Frankly, the diagnosis of Lawrence (February 2010) and medication that followed has greatly improved the family lunches, decreasing by 50% impulsive morning. Today's blast of sound that arises from early morning fights between Thomas and Lolo (see aspis vs. hyperactive: BABOUM) is limited to Bang! ... Firecracker Gun!
Reduce noise, better control over the child, facilitating the role of educator ... Is this reason to medicate a child? NO! Absolutely not! And those who believe are definitely wrong. The one and only reason for me is the well-being of the child. Period.
2 children, two stories ...
Thomas atypical small aspirations. It differs from most other syndrome children is its high impulsivity. Impulsive + 0 + empathy = aggression anxiety and violence. Verbal and physical. Against objects, and to others ... I mean bite the blood, beatings, screams, Objects Launched (bowls, plates, toys, knives against people and animals). The school spoke to me then expulsion and placement in an institution for children with behavior disorders ... Over one morning, I fear for my other children on seeing a few centimeters from their face ceramic bowls or ranges. More than one night I wondered if the window of his bedroom resist ... More than a day I watch my baby spit ill-being with a strength I never knew existed in a children 6 and under ...
Then came medication. Is the same as the hyperactive and attention deficit disorder. I, who rejected this medication for my eldest son, who has seen children "zombies" via the parallel virtues of Ritalin and his family, who still struggles against the lazy teachers who want students' robots without personality and uniqueness! ; This allowed me the same medication with some reluctance and a ..... relief!
24H anxiety
24hres The first was an ordeal for me! I never see a child as my Tom during this period: he walk normally? and its language? Do I understand what he said? He area dozing? His eyes are glassy they? Seeking he sleep? No, no, no, no, no and no. Nothing. Just smile, Thomas was playing, jumping, talking, eating normally .... Normally? Ben, come on! Where did my little Tom aggressive? unable to keep a friend more than 30 minutes? throwing objects at the head of his world and yelling? The more I looked, the more my eyes widened. What I saw was a healthy child in her skin, happy and controlled ... by him!
Somewhere in these 24hres, Tom told me. "I'm fine mom." In the days that followed, crisis situations "occurred. And Tom has managed ... er .... better managed. Fini, the dishes flying. No more blows - apart his brother, of course ...
Thomas medicate for 2 years. And it is definitely a success. No. He did not become someone else. No, it does not heal. It the moderates. It allows him to better control themselves in moments of anguish, moments that still reflected by impulsivity and aggression ... lightly. Today, the threat of a school for children with behavioral problems disappeared. Today, my son has friends ... Today, when anguish comes, more often than before, he asked to isolate themselves, or does the Zen to calm ...
Medication has certainly improved my quality of life and ease my grip on Tom, but more importantly, it allows Thomas to facilitate their learning of the company managing it easier impulsive and all that follows. This is one of the best decisions I made!
Lawrence: with mild hyperactive attention deficit disorder. I previously wrote "The hyperactive is a being whose impulsivity urges him to move constantly, loudly and quickly. (...) but is angry and impulsive. "From his mother, the school principal spoke of medication for my Lolo. Seems it lacked attention, he could not sit long, he spoke without stopping. ... And OK? ... His notes? Good. His friendly relations? Good. .... Well then, why medicate? So I refused. Of course, my son climbed 3 shelves of the library before they even walk! course, so he moved 18 months ago that I avoided going to visit friends without kids (too exhausting for them). Of course, it lives for the adrenaline ... Will do with his personality.
Years have passed. Last year (4th year - 9 years), the notes began to play in the elevator. Became restless and more ... problematic. He was unable to sit on a chair. I say not. At school, his teacher told me a little nothing bothers him, it makes noise all the time ... he wears just his mouth ... And notes that fall ... 35% ... 69% ... 46% ... And the question arose: would it be a REAL hyperactive? At my request, a past for Lawrence Connor to his teacher last year, this year and myself. And that was a possibility became a reality. More as an IQ test went through school without my knowledge (!) - Sigh! - Reveals a dysgraphia (difficulty with understanding a sequence of words - Engineering in math, decomposed in problem solving / engineering reading rotten in synthesis of text).
We started the medication a week ago. Again, that is fundamentally against me, should abdicate my son feel less restless and more available for their academic learning and impulse control has considerably improved. Am I
for medication? NO! However, be refractory and closed is not a better solution. Starting a medication is not a lifetime subscription. If, after an official diagnosis, you, as parents, you do not like what's happening in your child, you have the power to stop it. Not sure this is the right solution? Talk to your doc - I feel a bit like an old TV ad !.... - And let you do a test. Your child will not have any sequelae and finally !.... YOU KNOW! :-) And it is worth all the gold in the world!
Photo: Lawrence, in April 2010