compare prices
Have you ever heard of price comparison Twenga ? No? It is a price comparison that was created 2 years ago but the concept has been revised. Thus, this site has remade "makeover" in September 2006. It is only beginning to become known because of its differences with other more conventional comparators such as Kelkoo .
Twenga is a completely independent and compare prices which identified already at the end of last year over a million products from thousands of sites merchants and that is what makes its strength. Unlike other price comparison sites like Kelkoo , Twenga does not require commercial sites it lists, pay for inclusion in its comparator. Accordingly, the results prévilégient any commercial site and the user has better information on prices of products offered. In addition, you'll even find a system to alert you if a product you want to buy has suffered a drop in prices! Convenient is not it?
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