The reason my approach (2007-2008)
Doing research, read, teach me attempt to understand and prepare for some contingencies is since the birth of Thomas, first my motto. My approach to diagnosis is the result of two stages. First, I wanted to be sure the funds me that Tom's behavior, if amplified, is not the only effect of turning family. I helped Thomas from an early age to develop social skills and with the help of former headmaster the Three Suns in Laval (Jean-Sebastien Desrosiers) and a specialist teacher (Ms. Edith Smith) Thomas has done a remarkable journey for her mother. At the end of the year, it was still identified as having a "severe problem behavior" but he managed his anger much better and his aggressive outbursts and we hope he manages to adapt sufficiently to continue his normal primary school. The situation is much worse in the first year ... We went back to square one ...
I wish to avoid a tag, like it or not, will my child for years to come. This label will, of course, provide support to my son. But it will also hurt him, to some extent. Schools will take heed and people will talk, there will be releases, pity. But the fact is there: Thomas deficient social skills, and I can not, on my own, help them level.
The second step was taken by the school. The new manager tells me of specialized school exclusion. His teacher does not manage more service Homework expelled him, saying he could not accept a child who has no motivation. However, I was convinced that motivation is not the problem of Thomas. The school has even made a complaint to the DPJ because he was hiding under the desk when an adult was angry against him! (Seems this is a sign enough to live in a violent family ...) The company tells me of a child with bad manners and excessive gratuitous violence. And again it was wrong. The difficulty was deeper than that, I was already certain at the time. It was time to put a name to explain and help the social milieu to receive Thomas, and, above all, to bring Thomas to understand how the social world so he can finally integrate.
Finally, it is an old work colleague who, by dint of hearing my phone battles with the school principal, tells me about Asperger syndrome. And, EUREKA! was Thomas more than 70%! So although my psychiatrist countered this possibility, despite my surroundings more than septic, and because a principal concocted a folder to place my Tom in a school for crime, I drove at the walls ... and they have fallen!
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