Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Praise Dancing Costumes

For an extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all French, including contributors.

For an extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all the French, including contributors.

In France there is an injustice and gross inequality in illness. The crisis has put in great difficulty the so-called middle classes.

If in the name of solidarity understandable and desired by the people, the state helps the poorest and most vulnerable, he totally abandons millions of other citizens.

Aid is based on income. The resources of these concerned citizens put them above the ceilings. But different issues: rising cost of living, rent, punctures illegal banking, taxes, debt, etc ... are these people, who for most work, end up with nothing. Moreover, this middle class is the ideal target banks that do them shamelessly.

result after their account has been emptied, they have more cash. The least EUR 20 note found in a pocket or a drawer, will serve a minimum of food. Not 5 fruits and vegetables per day, but a packet of pasta purchased from a dubious deals.

And their medical coverage? Their boss pays contributions for them, they pay themselves, they often have a mutual. Each month is a substantial sum which is paid to various health insurance.

They are very well covered, but in theory only. Indeed, we must always put the money. The transition from the general mandatory. Blood tests, x-rays, medicines, all of these benefits are reimbursed. Only one person is totally unable to move a penny.

So they do not heal and can no longer care for their children, unable to advance the funds. I'm not talking about all those long excluded care, dental crowns, orthodontic appliances, eyeglasses, hearing aids, cures, etc ... These categories no longer exist in a dream.

I speak for common ailments. We return to self-medication, if there is a ticket by chance, but mostly the system OAQCSP (You wait until it happens).

I is not even addressing the issues of cancer screening. If they are free in general, care is extremely expensive and totally out of reach of the middle class. They do not even have the means to afford a trip to Lourdes.

However, there are solutions that are equal before the French disease.

Either the extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all contributors. These would more to advance money they do not.

Either provide the middle classes of contributions. The amount paid each month by the company and returned to the contributor in their budgets and allow them to afford to treat themselves.

For serious illnesses and expensive? Anyway, he could not advance money and medicine, even with health insurance.

Gerard Faure-Kapper


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