Professional Title Conductor Long Distance Road Transport of Passengers (TP CTRIV) As I said, I have started my training in mid-November. The other 7 candidates have been selected by the urban transport company and myself are in the process to move our license and our D FIMO as a professional so the exact title is "
Transport Driver interurban road . This is a training spread over 3 ½ months full time. The subjects covered are enlarged compared to the permit + FIMO "simple".
After success of this lab, we will have to work in the company under professional contract for a period of 9 months during which we will conduct our work independently on regular lines, alternating with periods of training. The purpose of this professional contract will make us spend a second professional title, the TP ACCTRUV (
Commercial Agent of Conduct Road Transport Urban Passenger ). It will seek to improve ourselves in matters specific to the conduct of city buses: urban driving, conflict management, etc.. It was only after this long period of training in alternation, and subject to passing exams this second construction, we'll offer a permanent contract. For now
external training is going although a personal perspective. From a general point of view, the whole group and I deplore, however, the poor quality of training offered by the center (which is nonetheless part of a large national network of training that shall remain nameless) and the great disruption that it demonstrated. I will not go into the details of the criticisms that we have to make. Fortunately, it seems to me that regardless of all that, we all have the ability to get by us to pass the validation testing of the professional title.
We started with four weeks of lectures: European social regulation, mechanical rules of the road, defensive driving, first aid, trip planning, etc.. alternating with sessions driving simulator ... that is to say, a cab mounted on jacks, with giant screens to 180 °.
The 5th week, we started driving on the actual vehicle at a rate of 4 hours per day, 4 hours remaining being spent in pursuit of the theory. It should be so until the end of training in early March.
We started driving with one week of driving on roads with low traffic density. I had some leads on PL (holders) several years ago, I admit I was surprised to see how driving a bus is different, and much more difficult! Due to the length of the vehicle course and the need to learn to work with door-to-front overhang. The rear tires also carry the scars of many sidewalks we have bitten early ;-) Personally, I was delighted to find myself again on a heavy vehicle, learn to use the mirrors, etc.. In short, this first week was full of lessons, but exhausting!
We then attacked the laborers on the board. These are 6 courses to be conducted in reverse: narrow corridors, slaloms, etc.. Not much to report from that side. We all expected to face difficulties ... yet it did not happen: we have almost all passed the 6 different courses at once, and have spent the following hours to perfect ourselves and type of lap times.
Meanwhile, we also spent a week training in discovery of the company for which we work. We had the leisure to visit the various positions of command bus and subway to see the various officials (all taking their work very heart, which is very motivating) to whom we have to do to understand the inner workings of the business, learn more about our future earnings and fringe benefits, etc.. This week was very interesting and us at all, given the desire to work as soon as possible!
Currently, I add up a dozen hours of driving in traffic and I'm finally starting to feel almost comfortable with the car, and really feel progress. Driving a bus is really not as simple as some may imagine ;-)
During examination of this first professional title we will, in addition to conventional tests of movement and the shelf, two additional maneuvers namely perform: a niche storage and a battle. We will also submit a case of "transport", which consists of every minute detail itineraries, chonotachygraphe positions, etc.. a fictional tour.
All this should not be a problem. I personally look forward to training and to finally end annuity business! My motivation is 100%, although for the reasons mentioned above, I'm not much happy to tell about the training itself.