January 11, 1975, at 1 am, the police storm the home of the Family Portal, near Montauban. They perform coolly Jean-Louis, 22.
January 11, 2011, 36 years later, a bailiff entered the home of the family Fosse, near Amiens. Dominique, 62, was executed alone, with 3 members of his family.
In both cases, the reason was the same. Creditors using the law to the letter that captures all the assets of a person, whatever their value and whatever the amount of debt.
How many deaths between these two dates, how many families devastated in 36 years, how many survivors' lives have been transformed into hell.
In 1975, a bill was quickly buried. It should be called "law Jean Louis Portal".
Yet this bill would have helped limit the amount seized in debt would leave the possibility or the debtor to sell and pay off its creditors.
This law was buried because the current system makes the fortune of a whole chain of vultures that live and grow rich on human misery. How many deaths in 36 years are on the consciences of those who buried the Act.
Since then, banks have evolved. They have learned to produce them even in these situations to make a very lucrative source of income, safe and perfectly legal.
The Collective will activate to show that law and to vote. Otherwise, as we expect since one year we will see a financial genocide. The assassins keep hands clean and clear conscience.
Gerard Faure-
Kapper Mary Agnes Portal
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