Fossiez Dominique was 62 years old. Artisan roofer, he was retired for 2 years. Its flag, it was all his life. Everything was simple. He did not live beyond its means. No undue expense. His neighbors said
helpful and good living. This
January 11, 2011, he expected a visit. That of a bailiff who was taking inventory of his furniture to capture everything, take everything, his life, his memories, his work. He did not remain the shame of not being able to protect his family. This
January 11, 2011, the bailiff could not perform his work because of dead bodies found in home and outside. 4 dead in all, a family shattered, decimated, destroyed.
media have touched upon this subject. Drama of the indebtedness then move on.
We will not something else. How was he really, for what paltry sum probably a family was destroyed. This house clearly represents a value. I does not criminalize
services Banque de France responsible for this type of file. They do their best to find solutions, humanely and competently. I
not incriminate laws. In this regard, they are very well done.
The problem is that too many people ignore them and break times.
Just examine the bank statements of those in need. Illegal taking of banks incurred monstrous budgets, removing any hope of a return to normal. Let
also letters received threatening letters sent by bailiffs or collection companies. There really is something to commit suicide.
analyze in detail the record of telephone calls received. How many calls that change daily life in hell.
-indebtedness is a word tinged with shame. And yet, out of 173 cases we examined the association, almost all could find a way out.
People are certainly indebted, they knew what they were signing and they are the first to want to repay their loans. How to pay only if banks endless drain on costs of interventions, costs of movement, a charge of letters, rejection costs, costs of discharges, cost of everything and nothing.
It is even common to find in our file of 300 or 400 euros monthly. These fees are usually collected in total offense with the law, specifically Article 313-1 of the Consumer Code.
Banks know this well because that when a client is suing, they return immediately ... before turning this customer who dared to rebel.
Yet most often these are sufficient to repay the maturities of loans.
Dominique Fossiez died, and his entire family. As John Roques died with his wife and son November 25, 2010. As died another retired couple with their daughter September 15, 2010 in the Pas de Calais.
And there will be others. How long will it dead for the authorities to force banks to comply with the laws of the Republic.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
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