The bailiffs and debt collection, real private armies of debt collection are as faithful auxiliaries of the banks to recover in complete illegality, the sums so- saying owed by customers.
The usual route is to go through the judge. Broadly, the bank will give an usher at the back of his client.
It strives for the district judge a court order to pay.
Then he presents to the customer demand for the debt. The latter has one month to lodge an objection if he contests the amount.
In this case, the judge calls the bank and its client. This may require the loan contract and supporting documents such as recommended various raises.
As the bank can not, in general, not provide it since discovered were not contracting, the judge often cancels the debt. To overcome
this problem, banks go through collection agencies that will be enormous pressure on the client. Blackmail, intimidation, threats, telephone harassment and other methods to limit violence.
Unfortunately, it often works. Customers are exhausted and give in to threats.
Bailiffs also profit from this lucrative system. They behave more like collection agencies using the same methods.
Worse, when they are in periods of downturn, they scrape the bottom of the barrel. They are aimed particularly at Interprofessional funds as CIPAV example. They are always old debts that they can rekindle. The files are valid thirty years.
They then come to threaten the client, enter his house, make an inventory of furniture. For a small claim, 200 or 300 euros, the bailiff will write down all the furniture he likes. And who are often worth much, much more. Flat screens and computers also.
Then they seize. They only require repay the Fund concerned ... and sell to their account all the furniture. These methods are reminiscent of another age, when the henchmen of the rue Lauriston landed in an apartment to make the household. Certainly, citizens are no longer driven to death. It is useless, most go there alone.
is what is called the Portal scenario, the case in which a 22-year-old was killed by the police following the interventions of the "court auxiliaries."
These professions, banks, bailiffs, private militias recovery, citizens and plunder even more businesses. It's very lucrative.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
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