"A girl eight runs to the garage. The table is set, the meal is ready. His mother asked him to fetch his dad who tinkers in the garage this morning. She calls him, opened the door and enters the room. Nobody replied ... "
" A mother leaves the supermarket pushing her cart. She is accompanied by the youngest that trotting behind. She walks to his car when his cell phone rings. This is the captain of the gendarmerie of the city about his eldest son. She thought he was at work today but it was curiously absent ... "
" A workshop 5, machine stops. Obviously, a piece dropped inside. The worker who cuts the current maneuvers. He leaves and goes to the prefabricated housing the office of the foreman. He enters and calls his supervisor. Nobody answers. Behind the desk, he sees both shoes of a man lying on the ground ... "
In France, every 45 minutes, this scenario can be fatal. Every 45 minutes a man or a woman has decided to end his suffering.
12,000 people each year and leave us without this number decreases. Of course, we know it is a complex problem and that are a multitude of causes.
25 years ago, there were 12,000 suicides and 12,000 in road accidents.
In 25 years, road accidents have fallen by 60%. Everyone rallied. Action was needed on the roads, and state funded. He had to act on vehicles and they are the builders who have been involved. Finally relentless repression has changed the behavior of drivers. The result is there, thousands of lives are saved.
In 25 years, suicides have experienced a decline of 20%. For this figure drops, action is needed on each of its causes. The plumb decided to act decisively on financial reasons. For this, we must require banks to comply.
We ask everyone to help us. How? Simply by spreading the messages of our blog to his contacts, his friends, his groups everywhere. By developing our communication that we can open the debate. At one year of presidential, we will have interesting results.
The Association for the Legality of Banking Operations and Movements counting on you to ensure that we receive more than those pesky phone calls.
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