From 1 May 2011, it will be almost impossible to prosecute a bank to court.
"We have the rights that can defend"
. On the basis of this principle that banks have enacted the new provisions of the Consumer Code. The 313-1 is particularly canceled. It was he who clearly defined the fact that the costs of interventions were included in the overall effective rate.
The new provisions do not question this principle, but the new article is written in a very complex and very technical.
The amounts in dispute are often lower 4,000 euros. The presence of a lawyer is not mandatory, only one client who is not the art, will have great difficulty in defining the offense committed by the bank closer to the new text.
Do not forget that proceeding, the complainant speaks first, and only a few minutes. In front of the bank's lawyer, will demonstrate square. The judge, who is neither a specialist nor a passion for banking, will tend to refer everyone back to back.
Besides the legislation, banks increasingly use the courts. Crédit du Nord, for example, Judgments obtained in total contradiction with the law.
1) The notice period for termination of a short pass from 1 month to 15 days.
2) A loan may be terminated without cause. Just the bank to send a letter denouncing the current account. Any requirements for the bank to close. The fact that she was "intent" is used to invoke the clause "closing the current account" as of right.
The deadline to repay the entire loan increased from 1 month to 8 days.
Interest in the bank is not so much to recover capital loan has since made it impossible to return, but we can start legal proceedings to recover and get paid on all assets.
3) It is recognized that a single account manager can make an entry in the file FICP without cause and without notice. The Registration is the weapon of discrimination and exclusion more effective. It is now available free.
To summarize:
Banks do not deny the right of consumers, but have created so many obstacles that litigation has become impossible.
Being a loan in a Bank makes available to it all of your assets.
There is only one last line of defense for citizens against absolute dictatorship, it will vote for a candidate in 2012 who has clearly denounced this fact. To date, there are only three.
"Because everybody thinks that it is impossible that the banks do."
Gerard Faure-Kapper
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