In the campaign against the banking system brought it over a year ago, an association is born: PLUMB (Association for the legality of transactions and bank transactions).
You can correspond with her by becoming a member of this blog or Group:
The address is: aplomb@laposte.net
L association Search correspondents in each department. their role will be to establish and maintain good relations with the local press.
Registration Act in 1901 is underway. We develop a charter which outlines here:
Association argues that banks are acting within the law and respect for texts in particular in relation to the daily management of client accounts.
The association supports the victims of the actions of banks. She has particular available to families affected by the suicide of a loved one and who suspect illegal actions of the bank of the victim.
Association requires compliance with Article 544 of the Civil Code on property rights. She recalls the legal nature of the deposit contract and reaffirms the fact that a bank account is in private, just like a home. It can not be charged without the express permission of its owner.
The association has refused any negotiations with banks on texts. In principle, a law is applicable to all and can not be no negotiation.
The association will act to promote the mutual movement. She asked in particular to the Chairpersons of the Boards of Directors of Credit Local Banks Mutual pass the necessary resolutions to respect the right to property.
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