Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blood Sugar Level 7.4

brutal banks to our actions requiring the legality of their out-of-law. The

banks perceived the danger to them of the success of our actions. They try to push through, through case law, a pseudo-legalization "For their actions.

is Societe Generale, through its subsidiary "laboratory" Crédit du Nord, which launched the offensive.

The lab's mission is to push to the extreme resistance from customers. The objective for the bank is to ensure absolute control of all property thereof.

February 15, 2011, Credit du Nord was accused in court, among other things, to "be terminated, without cause, a loan agreement requiring his full refund within a week. " The sum required was about 15,000.

The reason given by the bank was "closing the current account. The latter being opened on the date of revocation of the term.

The maneuver of the bank is as follows.

1) There is a clause in any loan contract, breach when closing the current account. This clause has been deemed unreasonable because linking two independent contracts.

2) There is a text that allows a bank to close an account without giving a reason.

3) When a loan is repaid, the customer pays is interest in the early years before repaying the capital. If the bank grants a loan repayable in 7 years, after 2 years, the capital is almost intact. Hence the enormous interest for the bank to demand repayment, especially since it adds 8% of capital.

4) The bank will then allow himself to close the current account, and it is his right. Then she demanded repayment of the loan within a week. Only problem, the client has recourse to the Bank of France, and the closing operation is risky and time consuming.

5) Crédit du Nord then considered that just sending a letter to request, within one month, the account is closed, allows the bank to invoke the clause and demand balance.

was the subject of the trial. Counsel for the bank asked the court for recognition of the fact that a bank may, at his pleasure, require any funds from his client.

By cons, it is rare that the customer can pay. It is here the real objective of the bank. She can take legal action against the client and paralyzed and recover all the assets thereof.

The current trial is pending until April 26, 2011. There will appeal to both sides. If the bank is successful, the Court has approved and legalized these actions are yet to fraud.

Thus, when a customer requests a loan, however small, the bank becomes the owner of virtually all his assets.

CFDT Crédit du Nord, probably in agreement with other unions, has strongly denounced the "orders" of the Directorate to ensure a "frank and sincere cooperation" of its network.

Here's what it says on the site of this union very courageous

" Throw the customers "!??
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Terrible! They did it! There are cons in the bank who dare to ask employees to" hunt "the customer" Until now we were talking conquest customers, prospecting, referrals, etc.. All kinds of acceptable terms.

But here, officials (we still can not know that: Branch, Department of regions, branches of groups) have taken not an obnoxious by asking employees to engage in the hunt for customers, that is to say, shoot them on sight (the words mean) I just despise employees that ask them to engage in this barbaric act. Car chase the customer is the trap, the mowing, the commission often overwhelm undue expense unacceptable is finding new customers to apply tariffs among the most expensive of all banks in France.

CFDT's mission is to defend the interests of employees and customers that make us live. CFDT denies any abuse, so it does not compromise by signing a wage agreement shameful for employees who are driven to the loss of purchasing power by management, the union SNB-CGC and CFTC decidedly uncharitable !
And if what anti-hunters say (Hunter = big con!) Was true? There would be unbearable for the workers! "

Gerard Faure-Kapper


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