Crédit du Nord, the most expensive bank of France.
Crédit du Nord, the most expensive bank of France. Further analysis reveals, however, breaches of the law.
This is clear from the study conducted by according to their methodology. The results are visible on the following link:
Our studies focus instead on the legality of the items fee schedule. It is in the Crédit du Nord we had more "surprises".
Our attention was drawn by "anomalies" bizarre and very questionable practices.
Dispute on credit card payment: 39.50 EUR
Imagine going to make a claim for a reason necessarily justified by your butcher, your barber, your mechanic or your restaurant.
Can you imagine for one moment that the trader concerned asks 39.50 euros, just to listen to your complaint. No of course.
But that's what happens at Credit du Nord. The bank sold you a means of payment: credit card. This system is supposed to be secure, it is certainly the obligation of the bank.
You realize that amount has been debited and that it does not concern you.
So the security system that is at fault. You're there for nothing.
You claim, which is normal.
Crédit du Nord is 39.50 euros for having claimed.
use of overdraft: 15, 48 euros
You ask for an overdraft. It is indeed a demand for credit. Article 313-1 of the Consumer Code is formal, and the Courts of Cassation, 5 February 2008 was clearly confirmed. The APR (annual percentage rate) shall include interest, insurance and all costs inherent in that agreement found.
costs associated with the use of the overdraft are therefore covered by this article. Yet very often, the bank does not take into account. Why
fees must be included in the rate. Because the percentage rate is a standard calculation that allows consumers to compare the two offers.
To avoid that a bank draws its customers by announcing a 3% credit for example, but increases in a manner that obscures loading rate with a maximum cost.
Passing an overdraft: 129 euros
If you have an overdraft of € 500 for example, and a write occurs, bringing the balance at least 520 euros. Crédit du Nord will charge 129 euros as financial penalty.
Reminder about the legal nature of an overdraft.
An overdraft is a form of credit and non-amortizing revolving bank that you agree.
The customer has no technical possibility to increase the overdraft, without the express consent of the bank.
example. Your account is at least 500, you are within the authority agreed with your bank.
A 50 euro appears on your account. The bank has two options.
Either she refuses this writing, and she has that right.
Either it will consider the option to "lend" the 50 euros. This is clearly a new study of credit is conducted, although it is limited to one second of reflection and a mouse click.
Writing 50 euros is paid. It fits on your account, changing the de facto authorization contract to bring 500 euros to 550 euros.
Since you have not signed a new contract, it is what is called a quasi-contract. The legal characteristics are the same as a signed contract and, as the Court in September 2010, this new authorization for 550 euros "does not the banker, but obliges him to denounce this new and discovered by r and ar respecting the legal limit. "
This means that, until he has completed these formalities, it authorizes in fact your new found from 550 euros.
All this to come to the article in the fee schedule: Exceeded overdraft, 129 euros.
The word "tolerance" has no meaning since only the banker allows or not the new found.
The 129 euros which should be regarded as costs inherent in the granting of new credit and be integrated into the overall effective rate. This is never the case since the rate would be much higher than that of wear.
So it's illegal.
course there are other legal anomalies in this fee schedule, but here for the main.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Praise Dancing Costumes
For an extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all French, including contributors.
For an extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all the French, including contributors.
In France there is an injustice and gross inequality in illness. The crisis has put in great difficulty the so-called middle classes.
If in the name of solidarity understandable and desired by the people, the state helps the poorest and most vulnerable, he totally abandons millions of other citizens.
Aid is based on income. The resources of these concerned citizens put them above the ceilings. But different issues: rising cost of living, rent, punctures illegal banking, taxes, debt, etc ... are these people, who for most work, end up with nothing. Moreover, this middle class is the ideal target banks that do them shamelessly.
result after their account has been emptied, they have more cash. The least EUR 20 note found in a pocket or a drawer, will serve a minimum of food. Not 5 fruits and vegetables per day, but a packet of pasta purchased from a dubious deals.
And their medical coverage? Their boss pays contributions for them, they pay themselves, they often have a mutual. Each month is a substantial sum which is paid to various health insurance.
They are very well covered, but in theory only. Indeed, we must always put the money. The transition from the general mandatory. Blood tests, x-rays, medicines, all of these benefits are reimbursed. Only one person is totally unable to move a penny.
So they do not heal and can no longer care for their children, unable to advance the funds. I'm not talking about all those long excluded care, dental crowns, orthodontic appliances, eyeglasses, hearing aids, cures, etc ... These categories no longer exist in a dream.
I speak for common ailments. We return to self-medication, if there is a ticket by chance, but mostly the system OAQCSP (You wait until it happens).
I is not even addressing the issues of cancer screening. If they are free in general, care is extremely expensive and totally out of reach of the middle class. They do not even have the means to afford a trip to Lourdes.
However, there are solutions that are equal before the French disease.
Either the extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all contributors. These would more to advance money they do not.
Either provide the middle classes of contributions. The amount paid each month by the company and returned to the contributor in their budgets and allow them to afford to treat themselves.
For serious illnesses and expensive? Anyway, he could not advance money and medicine, even with health insurance.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
For an extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all the French, including contributors.
In France there is an injustice and gross inequality in illness. The crisis has put in great difficulty the so-called middle classes.
If in the name of solidarity understandable and desired by the people, the state helps the poorest and most vulnerable, he totally abandons millions of other citizens.
Aid is based on income. The resources of these concerned citizens put them above the ceilings. But different issues: rising cost of living, rent, punctures illegal banking, taxes, debt, etc ... are these people, who for most work, end up with nothing. Moreover, this middle class is the ideal target banks that do them shamelessly.
result after their account has been emptied, they have more cash. The least EUR 20 note found in a pocket or a drawer, will serve a minimum of food. Not 5 fruits and vegetables per day, but a packet of pasta purchased from a dubious deals.
And their medical coverage? Their boss pays contributions for them, they pay themselves, they often have a mutual. Each month is a substantial sum which is paid to various health insurance.
They are very well covered, but in theory only. Indeed, we must always put the money. The transition from the general mandatory. Blood tests, x-rays, medicines, all of these benefits are reimbursed. Only one person is totally unable to move a penny.
So they do not heal and can no longer care for their children, unable to advance the funds. I'm not talking about all those long excluded care, dental crowns, orthodontic appliances, eyeglasses, hearing aids, cures, etc ... These categories no longer exist in a dream.
I speak for common ailments. We return to self-medication, if there is a ticket by chance, but mostly the system OAQCSP (You wait until it happens).
I is not even addressing the issues of cancer screening. If they are free in general, care is extremely expensive and totally out of reach of the middle class. They do not even have the means to afford a trip to Lourdes.
However, there are solutions that are equal before the French disease.
Either the extension of the CMU (universal health coverage) to all contributors. These would more to advance money they do not.
Either provide the middle classes of contributions. The amount paid each month by the company and returned to the contributor in their budgets and allow them to afford to treat themselves.
For serious illnesses and expensive? Anyway, he could not advance money and medicine, even with health insurance.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How Much Does It Cost Gum Graft Alloderm
Banks need a new breed of lawyers to complete their control of the Company.
To cope with an overwhelming wave of subpoenas in court, the banks have a weapon of mass destruction of client: a new breed of lawyers.
They enjoy lucrative contracts, and easy going. No need to know the right bank, this is not about what terrain they will be worried.
Opposite them, they were stunned opponents, penniless, knowing no law but aware of being victims of criminal acts, even criminals, from their bank. They have gathered their remaining strength in the lawsuit and intend to actually finish if justice is not doing its job.
In these cases, banks are often in complete breach of the law, texts and jurisprudence, and its staff has accumulated faults.
Any company with such charges against her would be untenable and forced to cease trading. For banks, this would be the same, except that their lawyers have a foolproof technique.
First the good artillery preparation. "Responses to conclusions" in which the lies are so big but charged with such aplomb that they become truth. The customer is stunned because it is impossible to disassemble everything in the limited time available. Furthermore, attempting to demonstrate that the bank systematically and grossly ment on all points, is hardly credible. "The bigger it is, the more things happening"
Then we must attack on all the client personally. The technique is in three stages. First, take an innocuous and then mount it and enter pin on the customer's obvious dishonesty. All facts can be used.
Some examples from actual cases (those cited concern Crédit du Nord, but all banks have adopted this technique).
If the client says nothing and does not react:
"By remaining silent, the client approves the operations concerned"
If the customer protests.
"The client is guilty of a epistolary harassment vis-à-vis the bank staff. "
If the customer is familiar with banking techniques.
"The customer uses his knowledge to try not to meet its commitments. "
The client knows nothing.
"How the client can say such things as lack of knowledge of the bank is clear. "The customer is
" The client constantly trying to force the passage of scriptures, forcing staff to take penalties'
The customer is not exposed.
"Coincidentally, the customer quickly covered his behalf without presumably to hide his dishonesty "
The client does not release a revolving credit facility.
"Then he had the opportunity to recover his account, the client was careful to release the amounts that were yet available. Hence his dishonesty. "The client unlocks
a revolving credit facility.
"The customer is engaged in a cavalry financial sanction-act high and justifies the bank's reaction to it."
The customer provides all of its extracts.
"Why the client feels the need to provide a plethora of documents the court? Probably to hide his dishonesty.
The client does not provide extracts where it is unnecessary credit.
"The client willfully fails to deliver the entire file. What is he hiding? Certainly his dishonesty.
The client has signed an account agreement.
"Then he signed an account agreement, the client returns to his signature. How the court can trust such an individual.
The customer has not signed the account agreement.
"He knew he had not signed. And yet, the client has never occurred with staff to sign the document. For what purpose? Guess Mr. President. "
Examples are endless. With a lawyer adept at these techniques, the bank takes full control of proceedings.
It can then enact its own laws. And that is what is happening. The entire court files are mounted in the same way.
Today, it is impossible to fight against such a system which has the money, time and power. The only solution lies in alternatives to the banking system.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
To cope with an overwhelming wave of subpoenas in court, the banks have a weapon of mass destruction of client: a new breed of lawyers.
They enjoy lucrative contracts, and easy going. No need to know the right bank, this is not about what terrain they will be worried.
Opposite them, they were stunned opponents, penniless, knowing no law but aware of being victims of criminal acts, even criminals, from their bank. They have gathered their remaining strength in the lawsuit and intend to actually finish if justice is not doing its job.
In these cases, banks are often in complete breach of the law, texts and jurisprudence, and its staff has accumulated faults.
Any company with such charges against her would be untenable and forced to cease trading. For banks, this would be the same, except that their lawyers have a foolproof technique.
First the good artillery preparation. "Responses to conclusions" in which the lies are so big but charged with such aplomb that they become truth. The customer is stunned because it is impossible to disassemble everything in the limited time available. Furthermore, attempting to demonstrate that the bank systematically and grossly ment on all points, is hardly credible. "The bigger it is, the more things happening"
Then we must attack on all the client personally. The technique is in three stages. First, take an innocuous and then mount it and enter pin on the customer's obvious dishonesty. All facts can be used.
Some examples from actual cases (those cited concern Crédit du Nord, but all banks have adopted this technique).
If the client says nothing and does not react:
"By remaining silent, the client approves the operations concerned"
If the customer protests.
"The client is guilty of a epistolary harassment vis-à-vis the bank staff. "
If the customer is familiar with banking techniques.
"The customer uses his knowledge to try not to meet its commitments. "
The client knows nothing.
"How the client can say such things as lack of knowledge of the bank is clear. "The customer is
" The client constantly trying to force the passage of scriptures, forcing staff to take penalties'
The customer is not exposed.
"Coincidentally, the customer quickly covered his behalf without presumably to hide his dishonesty "
The client does not release a revolving credit facility.
"Then he had the opportunity to recover his account, the client was careful to release the amounts that were yet available. Hence his dishonesty. "The client unlocks
a revolving credit facility.
"The customer is engaged in a cavalry financial sanction-act high and justifies the bank's reaction to it."
The customer provides all of its extracts.
"Why the client feels the need to provide a plethora of documents the court? Probably to hide his dishonesty.
The client does not provide extracts where it is unnecessary credit.
"The client willfully fails to deliver the entire file. What is he hiding? Certainly his dishonesty.
The client has signed an account agreement.
"Then he signed an account agreement, the client returns to his signature. How the court can trust such an individual.
The customer has not signed the account agreement.
"He knew he had not signed. And yet, the client has never occurred with staff to sign the document. For what purpose? Guess Mr. President. "
Examples are endless. With a lawyer adept at these techniques, the bank takes full control of proceedings.
It can then enact its own laws. And that is what is happening. The entire court files are mounted in the same way.
Today, it is impossible to fight against such a system which has the money, time and power. The only solution lies in alternatives to the banking system.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Friday, February 25, 2011
Swanson Chicken Broth Expire
From 1 May 2011, it will be almost impossible to prosecute a bank to court.
"We have the rights that can defend"
. On the basis of this principle that banks have enacted the new provisions of the Consumer Code. The 313-1 is particularly canceled. It was he who clearly defined the fact that the costs of interventions were included in the overall effective rate.
The new provisions do not question this principle, but the new article is written in a very complex and very technical.
The amounts in dispute are often lower 4,000 euros. The presence of a lawyer is not mandatory, only one client who is not the art, will have great difficulty in defining the offense committed by the bank closer to the new text.
Do not forget that proceeding, the complainant speaks first, and only a few minutes. In front of the bank's lawyer, will demonstrate square. The judge, who is neither a specialist nor a passion for banking, will tend to refer everyone back to back.
Besides the legislation, banks increasingly use the courts. Crédit du Nord, for example, Judgments obtained in total contradiction with the law.
1) The notice period for termination of a short pass from 1 month to 15 days.
2) A loan may be terminated without cause. Just the bank to send a letter denouncing the current account. Any requirements for the bank to close. The fact that she was "intent" is used to invoke the clause "closing the current account" as of right.
The deadline to repay the entire loan increased from 1 month to 8 days.
Interest in the bank is not so much to recover capital loan has since made it impossible to return, but we can start legal proceedings to recover and get paid on all assets.
3) It is recognized that a single account manager can make an entry in the file FICP without cause and without notice. The Registration is the weapon of discrimination and exclusion more effective. It is now available free.
To summarize:
Banks do not deny the right of consumers, but have created so many obstacles that litigation has become impossible.
Being a loan in a Bank makes available to it all of your assets.
There is only one last line of defense for citizens against absolute dictatorship, it will vote for a candidate in 2012 who has clearly denounced this fact. To date, there are only three.
"Because everybody thinks that it is impossible that the banks do."
Gerard Faure-Kapper
"We have the rights that can defend"
. On the basis of this principle that banks have enacted the new provisions of the Consumer Code. The 313-1 is particularly canceled. It was he who clearly defined the fact that the costs of interventions were included in the overall effective rate.
The new provisions do not question this principle, but the new article is written in a very complex and very technical.
The amounts in dispute are often lower 4,000 euros. The presence of a lawyer is not mandatory, only one client who is not the art, will have great difficulty in defining the offense committed by the bank closer to the new text.
Do not forget that proceeding, the complainant speaks first, and only a few minutes. In front of the bank's lawyer, will demonstrate square. The judge, who is neither a specialist nor a passion for banking, will tend to refer everyone back to back.
Besides the legislation, banks increasingly use the courts. Crédit du Nord, for example, Judgments obtained in total contradiction with the law.
1) The notice period for termination of a short pass from 1 month to 15 days.
2) A loan may be terminated without cause. Just the bank to send a letter denouncing the current account. Any requirements for the bank to close. The fact that she was "intent" is used to invoke the clause "closing the current account" as of right.
The deadline to repay the entire loan increased from 1 month to 8 days.
Interest in the bank is not so much to recover capital loan has since made it impossible to return, but we can start legal proceedings to recover and get paid on all assets.
3) It is recognized that a single account manager can make an entry in the file FICP without cause and without notice. The Registration is the weapon of discrimination and exclusion more effective. It is now available free.
To summarize:
Banks do not deny the right of consumers, but have created so many obstacles that litigation has become impossible.
Being a loan in a Bank makes available to it all of your assets.
There is only one last line of defense for citizens against absolute dictatorship, it will vote for a candidate in 2012 who has clearly denounced this fact. To date, there are only three.
"Because everybody thinks that it is impossible that the banks do."
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How To Block Numbers Cogeco
control program against the "useless eaters"
On the show "Talk Net" on France Info, Alain Minc, a close adviser of Nicolas Sarkozy, spoke the need to find a final solution to the problem of the presence of "very old".
The personal story he used to illustrate his remarks alluded to his own father
"I have a father who was 102 years old. He was hospitalized 15 days in an advanced service. He got out. The French community has spent € 100,000 to treat a man of 102 years. It's a huge luxury, special to give him some months or years of life. "
Moreover," it is absurd, "the State" has made me this gift to the eye "
To solve this "problem "Accounts of social security, he proposed to cough it up the very old. "I think it is fine to have the question is how we will recover the medical expenses of the very old, not making contributions or their assets when they have one, or the heritage of their successors -rights. "
What are 100,000 euros? A little less than a trip to New York from a Minister in a private jet to attend a meeting that person has nothing to fight. Cost 138,000 euros.
A difference anyway, the father of Alain Minc has paid any his life with Social Security and paid him are probably much higher.
These ideas are taken over by Nicolas Sarkozy in his idea of a compulsory private insurance dependency.
But who do we talk? Our elders, those who have worn stone by stone to build this country and this society. Of those who gave their blood on battlefields to defend our republican values. Of those we will inevitably one day. He speaks of our grandparents, who have illuminated our childhood and softened the harshness of life.
But who speaks Alain Minc? By his own father, who raised him, who worked for him pay for his education and offer him this. We the French we can say that it is treated by his father too expensive, we are willing to pay for him.
The French had fallen asleep. They wake up now, they know where the company conducts ultraliberal led by banks and the great captains of industry.
Get well that in mind and remember the words of this beautiful song by Jacques Brel.
"The old man did not die, they fall asleep one day and sleep too long
They hold hands, they are afraid to lose and will lose yet another
And stays there, the best or worst, mild or severe
It does not matter, whichever is finds himself in hell Cross this
already apologizing for not being more far away And before you
last time the clock money
purring at the show, who said yes that says no, they said: Who I am waiting
purrs at the show, saying yes and saying no and then ahead. "
Gerard Faure-Kapper
On the show "Talk Net" on France Info, Alain Minc, a close adviser of Nicolas Sarkozy, spoke the need to find a final solution to the problem of the presence of "very old".
The personal story he used to illustrate his remarks alluded to his own father
"I have a father who was 102 years old. He was hospitalized 15 days in an advanced service. He got out. The French community has spent € 100,000 to treat a man of 102 years. It's a huge luxury, special to give him some months or years of life. "
Moreover," it is absurd, "the State" has made me this gift to the eye "
To solve this "problem "Accounts of social security, he proposed to cough it up the very old. "I think it is fine to have the question is how we will recover the medical expenses of the very old, not making contributions or their assets when they have one, or the heritage of their successors -rights. "
What are 100,000 euros? A little less than a trip to New York from a Minister in a private jet to attend a meeting that person has nothing to fight. Cost 138,000 euros.
A difference anyway, the father of Alain Minc has paid any his life with Social Security and paid him are probably much higher.
These ideas are taken over by Nicolas Sarkozy in his idea of a compulsory private insurance dependency.
But who do we talk? Our elders, those who have worn stone by stone to build this country and this society. Of those who gave their blood on battlefields to defend our republican values. Of those we will inevitably one day. He speaks of our grandparents, who have illuminated our childhood and softened the harshness of life.
But who speaks Alain Minc? By his own father, who raised him, who worked for him pay for his education and offer him this. We the French we can say that it is treated by his father too expensive, we are willing to pay for him.
The French had fallen asleep. They wake up now, they know where the company conducts ultraliberal led by banks and the great captains of industry.
Get well that in mind and remember the words of this beautiful song by Jacques Brel.
"The old man did not die, they fall asleep one day and sleep too long
They hold hands, they are afraid to lose and will lose yet another
And stays there, the best or worst, mild or severe
It does not matter, whichever is finds himself in hell Cross this
already apologizing for not being more far away And before you
last time the clock money
purring at the show, who said yes that says no, they said: Who I am waiting
purrs at the show, saying yes and saying no and then ahead. "
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How Long Should A Cough Cold Last On 5month Old
Already 250 signatures to our petition for the prevention of suicide. Continue to sign and distribute! Responses
Following numerous emails customers and bank employees, I bring some clarification on the action of our association for suicide prevention for "financial reasons"
The text seems, in fact, many employees worry that fear of being well "placed in front of their criminal responsibilities."
The objective of our approach to prevention is to save many lives. The action is to attract the attention of families to the fact that a bank may be responsible for the tragedy.
For this, we are able to offer "expert" more or less extensive depending on the case and submit a report families. These, in the most urgent cases, may institute criminal proceedings.
It is impossible today to determine the basis upon which such action must be initiated. This can be only piecemeal.
By cons, we will precise statistics on the alleged causes and the banks concerned. While some institutions have institutionalized unsafe practices, our civic duty of care requires us to advise customers of these banks.
Do not forget that 25 years ago there were 12,000 road deaths and 12,000 suicides.
Today number of accidental deaths has dropped by 60%. This is due to combined actions on roads, vehicles and drivers. It was very expensive, repression was ruthless, but the result is there.
At the same time, the number of suicides dropped by only 20%.
is why we must support us by signing our petition and sign making.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Following numerous emails customers and bank employees, I bring some clarification on the action of our association for suicide prevention for "financial reasons"
The text seems, in fact, many employees worry that fear of being well "placed in front of their criminal responsibilities."
The objective of our approach to prevention is to save many lives. The action is to attract the attention of families to the fact that a bank may be responsible for the tragedy.
For this, we are able to offer "expert" more or less extensive depending on the case and submit a report families. These, in the most urgent cases, may institute criminal proceedings.
It is impossible today to determine the basis upon which such action must be initiated. This can be only piecemeal.
By cons, we will precise statistics on the alleged causes and the banks concerned. While some institutions have institutionalized unsafe practices, our civic duty of care requires us to advise customers of these banks.
Do not forget that 25 years ago there were 12,000 road deaths and 12,000 suicides.
Today number of accidental deaths has dropped by 60%. This is due to combined actions on roads, vehicles and drivers. It was very expensive, repression was ruthless, but the result is there.
At the same time, the number of suicides dropped by only 20%.
is why we must support us by signing our petition and sign making.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Can You Take Flucloxacillin For Chest Infection
The permit is in the pocket
After 3 months of training, we spent last week testing our validation (code, plate, pipe, business operations). We all passed all the tests, with a maximum of 4 penalty points on the test tray in its entirety (written questions, statements, records, operations) and 3 of us at 0 points, represents a good score! The only downside is that unfortunately two of my classmates did not pass the driving the first time. We cross our fingers for them, they have to retake the test on Monday.
One important thing that I when I found myself past my plateau, is how much stress can make us lose our means. When VAD (Check Before Departure, a full rotation of the vehicle with a series of checkpoints to make before hitting the road: tire pressure, levels, operating lights, emergency exits, blah), I knew Yet on the fingertips, I found myself m'emmêler brushes on the verification of lights, forgetting to switch on lights or rear fog lights in appointing positions back "reverse lights", etc.. It was quite folk and I had to do a lot of round trips between the cockpit and the exterior lights to illuminate the corresponding ... In the end, fortunately, I recovered my composure and I did not take any penalty points.
Regarding security cards / board / mechanics, I took the number 5: Loading & overload / retarders. Zero penalty points as well.
Then the maneuver, I pulled the number 3. Not the most difficult, it was the coach putting frankly gases. Cons for consideration by no means am I the evil one: I played very quiet with a sliding clutch. Despite that, I got a fright Arriving at the last row: no stake in my mirrors! They were actually behind the vehicle because I did not have enough fear of pointing out my front wheel track (absurd, there was ample room). I've realized just in time and am therefore left forward in the previous row, before resuming my walk back by wrapping frankly this time. Then to stop precisely on the white stripe, I was so freaked out that I first arrested 80 cm above before I went down to see exactly where I was, then went back, I decreased a little, went back down, I finally went back and finished ... 3min30 to perform a maneuver that was usually in less than a minute ... Well the main thing is that I came close spike and no I have not exceeded the white band at the final stop.
That, so the lab is in the pocket! He is to spend two weeks at the training center, which will be devoted to the development of conduct. It may be that we left a few days in the mountains, for example. Then we go into business in early March. For once, I'm eager to get to work ;-)
After 3 months of training, we spent last week testing our validation (code, plate, pipe, business operations). We all passed all the tests, with a maximum of 4 penalty points on the test tray in its entirety (written questions, statements, records, operations) and 3 of us at 0 points, represents a good score! The only downside is that unfortunately two of my classmates did not pass the driving the first time. We cross our fingers for them, they have to retake the test on Monday.
One important thing that I when I found myself past my plateau, is how much stress can make us lose our means. When VAD (Check Before Departure, a full rotation of the vehicle with a series of checkpoints to make before hitting the road: tire pressure, levels, operating lights, emergency exits, blah), I knew Yet on the fingertips, I found myself m'emmêler brushes on the verification of lights, forgetting to switch on lights or rear fog lights in appointing positions back "reverse lights", etc.. It was quite folk and I had to do a lot of round trips between the cockpit and the exterior lights to illuminate the corresponding ... In the end, fortunately, I recovered my composure and I did not take any penalty points.
Regarding security cards / board / mechanics, I took the number 5: Loading & overload / retarders. Zero penalty points as well.
Then the maneuver, I pulled the number 3. Not the most difficult, it was the coach putting frankly gases. Cons for consideration by no means am I the evil one: I played very quiet with a sliding clutch. Despite that, I got a fright Arriving at the last row: no stake in my mirrors! They were actually behind the vehicle because I did not have enough fear of pointing out my front wheel track (absurd, there was ample room). I've realized just in time and am therefore left forward in the previous row, before resuming my walk back by wrapping frankly this time. Then to stop precisely on the white stripe, I was so freaked out that I first arrested 80 cm above before I went down to see exactly where I was, then went back, I decreased a little, went back down, I finally went back and finished ... 3min30 to perform a maneuver that was usually in less than a minute ... Well the main thing is that I came close spike and no I have not exceeded the white band at the final stop.
That, so the lab is in the pocket! He is to spend two weeks at the training center, which will be devoted to the development of conduct. It may be that we left a few days in the mountains, for example. Then we go into business in early March. For once, I'm eager to get to work ;-)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Blood Sugar Level 7.4
brutal banks to our actions requiring the legality of their out-of-law. The
banks perceived the danger to them of the success of our actions. They try to push through, through case law, a pseudo-legalization "For their actions.
is Societe Generale, through its subsidiary "laboratory" Crédit du Nord, which launched the offensive.
The lab's mission is to push to the extreme resistance from customers. The objective for the bank is to ensure absolute control of all property thereof.
February 15, 2011, Credit du Nord was accused in court, among other things, to "be terminated, without cause, a loan agreement requiring his full refund within a week. " The sum required was about 15,000.
The reason given by the bank was "closing the current account. The latter being opened on the date of revocation of the term.
The maneuver of the bank is as follows.
1) There is a clause in any loan contract, breach when closing the current account. This clause has been deemed unreasonable because linking two independent contracts.
2) There is a text that allows a bank to close an account without giving a reason.
3) When a loan is repaid, the customer pays is interest in the early years before repaying the capital. If the bank grants a loan repayable in 7 years, after 2 years, the capital is almost intact. Hence the enormous interest for the bank to demand repayment, especially since it adds 8% of capital.
4) The bank will then allow himself to close the current account, and it is his right. Then she demanded repayment of the loan within a week. Only problem, the client has recourse to the Bank of France, and the closing operation is risky and time consuming.
5) Crédit du Nord then considered that just sending a letter to request, within one month, the account is closed, allows the bank to invoke the clause and demand balance.
was the subject of the trial. Counsel for the bank asked the court for recognition of the fact that a bank may, at his pleasure, require any funds from his client.
By cons, it is rare that the customer can pay. It is here the real objective of the bank. She can take legal action against the client and paralyzed and recover all the assets thereof.
The current trial is pending until April 26, 2011. There will appeal to both sides. If the bank is successful, the Court has approved and legalized these actions are yet to fraud.
Thus, when a customer requests a loan, however small, the bank becomes the owner of virtually all his assets.
CFDT Crédit du Nord, probably in agreement with other unions, has strongly denounced the "orders" of the Directorate to ensure a "frank and sincere cooperation" of its network.
Here's what it says on the site of this union very courageous
" Throw the customers "!??
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Terrible! They did it! There are cons in the bank who dare to ask employees to" hunt "the customer" Until now we were talking conquest customers, prospecting, referrals, etc.. All kinds of acceptable terms.
But here, officials (we still can not know that: Branch, Department of regions, branches of groups) have taken not an obnoxious by asking employees to engage in the hunt for customers, that is to say, shoot them on sight (the words mean) I just despise employees that ask them to engage in this barbaric act. Car chase the customer is the trap, the mowing, the commission often overwhelm undue expense unacceptable is finding new customers to apply tariffs among the most expensive of all banks in France.
CFDT's mission is to defend the interests of employees and customers that make us live. CFDT denies any abuse, so it does not compromise by signing a wage agreement shameful for employees who are driven to the loss of purchasing power by management, the union SNB-CGC and CFTC decidedly uncharitable !
And if what anti-hunters say (Hunter = big con!) Was true? There would be unbearable for the workers! "
Gerard Faure-Kapper
banks perceived the danger to them of the success of our actions. They try to push through, through case law, a pseudo-legalization "For their actions.
is Societe Generale, through its subsidiary "laboratory" Crédit du Nord, which launched the offensive.
The lab's mission is to push to the extreme resistance from customers. The objective for the bank is to ensure absolute control of all property thereof.
February 15, 2011, Credit du Nord was accused in court, among other things, to "be terminated, without cause, a loan agreement requiring his full refund within a week. " The sum required was about 15,000.
The reason given by the bank was "closing the current account. The latter being opened on the date of revocation of the term.
The maneuver of the bank is as follows.
1) There is a clause in any loan contract, breach when closing the current account. This clause has been deemed unreasonable because linking two independent contracts.
2) There is a text that allows a bank to close an account without giving a reason.
3) When a loan is repaid, the customer pays is interest in the early years before repaying the capital. If the bank grants a loan repayable in 7 years, after 2 years, the capital is almost intact. Hence the enormous interest for the bank to demand repayment, especially since it adds 8% of capital.
4) The bank will then allow himself to close the current account, and it is his right. Then she demanded repayment of the loan within a week. Only problem, the client has recourse to the Bank of France, and the closing operation is risky and time consuming.
5) Crédit du Nord then considered that just sending a letter to request, within one month, the account is closed, allows the bank to invoke the clause and demand balance.
was the subject of the trial. Counsel for the bank asked the court for recognition of the fact that a bank may, at his pleasure, require any funds from his client.
By cons, it is rare that the customer can pay. It is here the real objective of the bank. She can take legal action against the client and paralyzed and recover all the assets thereof.
The current trial is pending until April 26, 2011. There will appeal to both sides. If the bank is successful, the Court has approved and legalized these actions are yet to fraud.
Thus, when a customer requests a loan, however small, the bank becomes the owner of virtually all his assets.
CFDT Crédit du Nord, probably in agreement with other unions, has strongly denounced the "orders" of the Directorate to ensure a "frank and sincere cooperation" of its network.
Here's what it says on the site of this union very courageous
" Throw the customers "!??
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Terrible! They did it! There are cons in the bank who dare to ask employees to" hunt "the customer" Until now we were talking conquest customers, prospecting, referrals, etc.. All kinds of acceptable terms.
But here, officials (we still can not know that: Branch, Department of regions, branches of groups) have taken not an obnoxious by asking employees to engage in the hunt for customers, that is to say, shoot them on sight (the words mean) I just despise employees that ask them to engage in this barbaric act. Car chase the customer is the trap, the mowing, the commission often overwhelm undue expense unacceptable is finding new customers to apply tariffs among the most expensive of all banks in France.
CFDT's mission is to defend the interests of employees and customers that make us live. CFDT denies any abuse, so it does not compromise by signing a wage agreement shameful for employees who are driven to the loss of purchasing power by management, the union SNB-CGC and CFTC decidedly uncharitable !
And if what anti-hunters say (Hunter = big con!) Was true? There would be unbearable for the workers! "
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My Stomach Isnt Cleaning
PLUMB is received at Bercy
On behalf of the PLUMB, I was received by a member of the Cabinet of the Minister of Finance to present the petition 3800 signatures.
This allowed me to describe in detail our main application, namely: the prohibition on banks to debit customers' accounts without authorization thereof.
In a very interesting discussion during which clashed legal approach and practical use, it shows this:
In absolute terms, yes, it is forbidden to touch a bank customer's account, but usage has made us forget this rule.
is what happens when citizens lack of vigilance and forget to defend their rights.
Even if one can fear a stiffening of the banks if the measure is imposed, things will recover quickly in order under the pressure of competition.
I gladly acknowledge that my interlocutor has never been an advocate for banks. He is well aware of the social disaster that they cause.
Next step, meeting with the Minister of Justice and then with the Minister of Economy in the company of Maxime Gremetz is thoroughly with us since the start and uses all his powers of persuasion to get appointments and defend our cause.
Our goal is that banks have the bill for their services and are awaiting authorization from the client instead of using the accounts.
There is still a long way to go, but what path with you all last year, my dear friends who never gave up.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

On behalf of the PLUMB, I was received by a member of the Cabinet of the Minister of Finance to present the petition 3800 signatures.
This allowed me to describe in detail our main application, namely: the prohibition on banks to debit customers' accounts without authorization thereof.
In a very interesting discussion during which clashed legal approach and practical use, it shows this:
In absolute terms, yes, it is forbidden to touch a bank customer's account, but usage has made us forget this rule.
is what happens when citizens lack of vigilance and forget to defend their rights.
Even if one can fear a stiffening of the banks if the measure is imposed, things will recover quickly in order under the pressure of competition.
I gladly acknowledge that my interlocutor has never been an advocate for banks. He is well aware of the social disaster that they cause.
Next step, meeting with the Minister of Justice and then with the Minister of Economy in the company of Maxime Gremetz is thoroughly with us since the start and uses all his powers of persuasion to get appointments and defend our cause.
Our goal is that banks have the bill for their services and are awaiting authorization from the client instead of using the accounts.
There is still a long way to go, but what path with you all last year, my dear friends who never gave up.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Elevated Hemoglobin And Cholesterol Levels
"A girl eight runs to the garage. The table is set, the meal is ready. His mother asked him to fetch his dad who tinkers in the garage this morning. She calls him, opened the door and enters the room. Nobody replied ... "
" A mother leaves the supermarket pushing her cart. She is accompanied by the youngest that trotting behind. She walks to his car when his cell phone rings. This is the captain of the gendarmerie of the city about his eldest son. She thought he was at work today but it was curiously absent ... "
" A workshop 5, machine stops. Obviously, a piece dropped inside. The worker who cuts the current maneuvers. He leaves and goes to the prefabricated housing the office of the foreman. He enters and calls his supervisor. Nobody answers. Behind the desk, he sees both shoes of a man lying on the ground ... "
In France, every 45 minutes, this scenario can be fatal. Every 45 minutes a man or a woman has decided to end his suffering.
12,000 people each year and leave us without this number decreases. Of course, we know it is a complex problem and that are a multitude of causes.
25 years ago, there were 12,000 suicides and 12,000 in road accidents.
In 25 years, road accidents have fallen by 60%. Everyone rallied. Action was needed on the roads, and state funded. He had to act on vehicles and they are the builders who have been involved. Finally relentless repression has changed the behavior of drivers. The result is there, thousands of lives are saved.
In 25 years, suicides have experienced a decline of 20%. For this figure drops, action is needed on each of its causes. The plumb decided to act decisively on financial reasons. For this, we must require banks to comply.
We ask everyone to help us. How? Simply by spreading the messages of our blog to his contacts, his friends, his groups everywhere. By developing our communication that we can open the debate. At one year of presidential, we will have interesting results.
The Association for the Legality of Banking Operations and Movements counting on you to ensure that we receive more than those pesky phone calls.

"A girl eight runs to the garage. The table is set, the meal is ready. His mother asked him to fetch his dad who tinkers in the garage this morning. She calls him, opened the door and enters the room. Nobody replied ... "
" A mother leaves the supermarket pushing her cart. She is accompanied by the youngest that trotting behind. She walks to his car when his cell phone rings. This is the captain of the gendarmerie of the city about his eldest son. She thought he was at work today but it was curiously absent ... "
" A workshop 5, machine stops. Obviously, a piece dropped inside. The worker who cuts the current maneuvers. He leaves and goes to the prefabricated housing the office of the foreman. He enters and calls his supervisor. Nobody answers. Behind the desk, he sees both shoes of a man lying on the ground ... "
In France, every 45 minutes, this scenario can be fatal. Every 45 minutes a man or a woman has decided to end his suffering.
12,000 people each year and leave us without this number decreases. Of course, we know it is a complex problem and that are a multitude of causes.
25 years ago, there were 12,000 suicides and 12,000 in road accidents.
In 25 years, road accidents have fallen by 60%. Everyone rallied. Action was needed on the roads, and state funded. He had to act on vehicles and they are the builders who have been involved. Finally relentless repression has changed the behavior of drivers. The result is there, thousands of lives are saved.
In 25 years, suicides have experienced a decline of 20%. For this figure drops, action is needed on each of its causes. The plumb decided to act decisively on financial reasons. For this, we must require banks to comply.
We ask everyone to help us. How? Simply by spreading the messages of our blog to his contacts, his friends, his groups everywhere. By developing our communication that we can open the debate. At one year of presidential, we will have interesting results.
The Association for the Legality of Banking Operations and Movements counting on you to ensure that we receive more than those pesky phone calls.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Best Infant Swim Vest
Crédit du Nord acknowledges receiving orders for the "hunt for customers".
CFDT Credit North denounces the orders received by the Directorate of "chasing the customer". Rest assured that the union, customers get organized. Tomorrow Tuesday, Credit du Nord is in court to answer for attempted fraud and he is director of the agency in question is ... CFDT delegate. While it does not lack salt.
Here is the link and copy paste the text:
"Throw the customers"! ?? Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Terrible! They did it! There are idiots in this bank who dare to ask employees to "hunt" the customer! So far we talked about winning customers, prospecting, recommendations, etc.. All kinds of acceptable terms.
But now officials (we still can not know that: Branch, Department of regions, branches of groups) have gone one step obnoxious by asking employees to engage in the hunt for clients, ie to shoot them on sight (the words mean)! Is to despise their employees seek to engage in this barbaric act. Car chase the customer is the trap, the mowing, the commission often overwhelm undue Ineligible costs is to find new customers for their charge rates among the most expensive of all banks in France.
CFDT's mission is to defend the interests of employees and customers that make us live. CFDT denies any abuse, so it does not compromise by signing a wage agreement shameful for employees who are driven to the loss of purchasing power by management, the union SNB-CGC and CFTC decidedly uncharitable !
And if what they say anti-hunters (hunter = big con!) Was true? There would be unbearable for the workers!
Comment on this brief
1 Post
"Throw the customers"! ?? 14 February 18:33, by GÃ © rard Faure-Kapper
Thanks for the message that breathes the franchise. You should know that tomorrow, Tuesday, February 15, Crédit du Nord is answerable to the District Court of Paris XIV for the dramatic consequences of this hunt. I think the direction that gives this type of instruction, will not fail to take action against the offending agency, namely Paris-Convention. Our association is at your disposal for this common struggle. We fight for the prevention of suicides for "financial reasons". Families entrust us with the last 5 years of account statements. If this type of scam, there will be criminal complaint. These are the branch managers who will find themselves on the frontline.
Reply to this message

CFDT Credit North denounces the orders received by the Directorate of "chasing the customer". Rest assured that the union, customers get organized. Tomorrow Tuesday, Credit du Nord is in court to answer for attempted fraud and he is director of the agency in question is ... CFDT delegate. While it does not lack salt.
Here is the link and copy paste the text:
"Throw the customers"! ?? Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Terrible! They did it! There are idiots in this bank who dare to ask employees to "hunt" the customer! So far we talked about winning customers, prospecting, recommendations, etc.. All kinds of acceptable terms.
But now officials (we still can not know that: Branch, Department of regions, branches of groups) have gone one step obnoxious by asking employees to engage in the hunt for clients, ie to shoot them on sight (the words mean)! Is to despise their employees seek to engage in this barbaric act. Car chase the customer is the trap, the mowing, the commission often overwhelm undue Ineligible costs is to find new customers for their charge rates among the most expensive of all banks in France.
CFDT's mission is to defend the interests of employees and customers that make us live. CFDT denies any abuse, so it does not compromise by signing a wage agreement shameful for employees who are driven to the loss of purchasing power by management, the union SNB-CGC and CFTC decidedly uncharitable !
And if what they say anti-hunters (hunter = big con!) Was true? There would be unbearable for the workers!
Comment on this brief
1 Post
"Throw the customers"! ?? 14 February 18:33, by GÃ © rard Faure-Kapper
Thanks for the message that breathes the franchise. You should know that tomorrow, Tuesday, February 15, Crédit du Nord is answerable to the District Court of Paris XIV for the dramatic consequences of this hunt. I think the direction that gives this type of instruction, will not fail to take action against the offending agency, namely Paris-Convention. Our association is at your disposal for this common struggle. We fight for the prevention of suicides for "financial reasons". Families entrust us with the last 5 years of account statements. If this type of scam, there will be criminal complaint. These are the branch managers who will find themselves on the frontline.
Reply to this message
Are Isee Test Scores Low For Fall 2010
Our Petition to stop the illegal levies on bank accounts of customers, "presented to Ms. Minister of Economy.
Our Petition to stop the illegal levies on bank accounts of customers "has collected 3,719 signatures. We thank you for your commitment.
We have an appointment with an advisor from the Ministry of Finance at Bercy Wednesday, February 16. We will present the petition.
Our approach focuses on institutional and permanent violations of law by the banking system as a whole.
particular the fact that a bank may charge in accordance with the conventions of the day, but can not, under any circumstances, take the resolution of this bill on behalf of his client.
The account is a sanctuary of privacy. Funds deposited are the property of its owner and sole legal proceedings can dispossess.
Can you imagine a society where each company, provided it is in possession of details of the credit card can charge the customer the most fantastic amounts, without the owner can give his opinion? Of course not.
For one year, we contacted all the banks, none has been dismantling our reasoning with legal arguments. Employees of these institutions merely "jumping like kids" shouting "agreements, conventions ...." Yes, the account agreements inform the terms and rates is a reference that allows valid charge, but these agreements do not in any way the right to use the account
Lawyers, lawyers, criminal lawyers, judges and others have examined the validity of reasoning. Everyone agrees: the banks are operating in violation of the law.
The question we ask the Ministers is simple: When the banks they will comply with the law and present the bills of costs to their customers instead of using their account.
Our association, PLUMB, will never yield on the republican principle of equality before the law.
The site PLUMB (association for the legality of transactions and bank transactions)
To be informed of our actions against the banking system, please join this Facebook group. # / group.php? Gid = 111715095522269
Become a member of our news blog:
To show your sympathy with our movement. # / pages/Que-labolition-des-privileges-des-banques-devienne-une-cause-nationale/313430107276
You can do something The important for the association, distribute, disseminate, distribute ...

Our Petition to stop the illegal levies on bank accounts of customers "has collected 3,719 signatures. We thank you for your commitment.
We have an appointment with an advisor from the Ministry of Finance at Bercy Wednesday, February 16. We will present the petition.
Our approach focuses on institutional and permanent violations of law by the banking system as a whole.
particular the fact that a bank may charge in accordance with the conventions of the day, but can not, under any circumstances, take the resolution of this bill on behalf of his client.
The account is a sanctuary of privacy. Funds deposited are the property of its owner and sole legal proceedings can dispossess.
Can you imagine a society where each company, provided it is in possession of details of the credit card can charge the customer the most fantastic amounts, without the owner can give his opinion? Of course not.
For one year, we contacted all the banks, none has been dismantling our reasoning with legal arguments. Employees of these institutions merely "jumping like kids" shouting "agreements, conventions ...." Yes, the account agreements inform the terms and rates is a reference that allows valid charge, but these agreements do not in any way the right to use the account
Lawyers, lawyers, criminal lawyers, judges and others have examined the validity of reasoning. Everyone agrees: the banks are operating in violation of the law.
The question we ask the Ministers is simple: When the banks they will comply with the law and present the bills of costs to their customers instead of using their account.
Our association, PLUMB, will never yield on the republican principle of equality before the law.
The site PLUMB (association for the legality of transactions and bank transactions)
To be informed of our actions against the banking system, please join this Facebook group. # / group.php? Gid = 111715095522269
Become a member of our news blog:
To show your sympathy with our movement. # / pages/Que-labolition-des-privileges-des-banques-devienne-une-cause-nationale/313430107276
You can do something The important for the association, distribute, disseminate, distribute ...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Can Shaving Cause Hsv 2 Outbreaks?
Because the courts are moving ...
February 1, 2011, the district court has dismissed a bank customer who requested it enforces the regulations governing billing of intervention costs.
It turns out that the arguments given by the bank that led to this decision are those that we go to there to appeal.
The bank refuses payment for the following reason:
"The definition of response costs is given by the tariff sheets as follows: Account Review anomaly in preventing automatic processing of daily operations "
What really recall the nature of the action:
The bank must pay the customer's orders within the limits of its available supply account.
Therefore, if a write occurs when the account is overdrawn, the transaction is automatically rejected by the computer system.
There is no human intervention.
But the bank may choose to explore the possibility to lend or not the missing funds to the client.
So this " Review accounts anomaly "is about.
The action manager is studying a "credit". Although this study only lasts a split second, the "click" given by the manager, he lends the funds and pays the writing, is the acceptance of credit. The law does not define the minimum time for a credit check.
The bank is entitled to charge such intervention by taking fees, as the intervention costs, transaction fees, cost of forcing, etc.. these terms cover the same reality.
These fees, and no one disagrees, are covered by Article 313-1 of the Consumer Code. They must be included in the overall effective rate.
But the bank refuses to reimburse the costs of intervention. The arguments put forward have convinced the court of first instance.
In reinstating the charges in question in the percentage rate, we arrive at a rate of 164%
We study the best legal follow-up:
-either to appeal the decision if we dispute the charges and ask the reimbursement.
-either lay a criminal complaint against the Director agency to practice usury. (The fine is around 45,000 euros accompanied by a prison sentence).
In both cases, the world will change for the bank.

February 1, 2011, the district court has dismissed a bank customer who requested it enforces the regulations governing billing of intervention costs.
It turns out that the arguments given by the bank that led to this decision are those that we go to there to appeal.
The bank refuses payment for the following reason:
"The definition of response costs is given by the tariff sheets as follows: Account Review anomaly in preventing automatic processing of daily operations "
What really recall the nature of the action:
The bank must pay the customer's orders within the limits of its available supply account.
Therefore, if a write occurs when the account is overdrawn, the transaction is automatically rejected by the computer system.
There is no human intervention.
But the bank may choose to explore the possibility to lend or not the missing funds to the client.
So this " Review accounts anomaly "is about.
The action manager is studying a "credit". Although this study only lasts a split second, the "click" given by the manager, he lends the funds and pays the writing, is the acceptance of credit. The law does not define the minimum time for a credit check.
The bank is entitled to charge such intervention by taking fees, as the intervention costs, transaction fees, cost of forcing, etc.. these terms cover the same reality.
These fees, and no one disagrees, are covered by Article 313-1 of the Consumer Code. They must be included in the overall effective rate.
But the bank refuses to reimburse the costs of intervention. The arguments put forward have convinced the court of first instance.
In reinstating the charges in question in the percentage rate, we arrive at a rate of 164%
We study the best legal follow-up:
-either to appeal the decision if we dispute the charges and ask the reimbursement.
-either lay a criminal complaint against the Director agency to practice usury. (The fine is around 45,000 euros accompanied by a prison sentence).
In both cases, the world will change for the bank.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wooden Fingerboard Store
Creating the Association for the Legality of Banking Operations and Movements PLUMB
In the campaign against the banking system brought it over a year ago, an association is born: PLUMB (Association for the legality of transactions and bank transactions).
You can correspond with her by becoming a member of this blog or Group:
The address is:
L association Search correspondents in each department. their role will be to establish and maintain good relations with the local press.
Registration Act in 1901 is underway. We develop a charter which outlines here:
Association argues that banks are acting within the law and respect for texts in particular in relation to the daily management of client accounts.
The association supports the victims of the actions of banks. She has particular available to families affected by the suicide of a loved one and who suspect illegal actions of the bank of the victim.
Association requires compliance with Article 544 of the Civil Code on property rights. She recalls the legal nature of the deposit contract and reaffirms the fact that a bank account is in private, just like a home. It can not be charged without the express permission of its owner.
The association has refused any negotiations with banks on texts. In principle, a law is applicable to all and can not be no negotiation.
The association will act to promote the mutual movement. She asked in particular to the Chairpersons of the Boards of Directors of Credit Local Banks Mutual pass the necessary resolutions to respect the right to property.

In the campaign against the banking system brought it over a year ago, an association is born: PLUMB (Association for the legality of transactions and bank transactions).
You can correspond with her by becoming a member of this blog or Group:
The address is:
L association Search correspondents in each department. their role will be to establish and maintain good relations with the local press.
Registration Act in 1901 is underway. We develop a charter which outlines here:
Association argues that banks are acting within the law and respect for texts in particular in relation to the daily management of client accounts.
The association supports the victims of the actions of banks. She has particular available to families affected by the suicide of a loved one and who suspect illegal actions of the bank of the victim.
Association requires compliance with Article 544 of the Civil Code on property rights. She recalls the legal nature of the deposit contract and reaffirms the fact that a bank account is in private, just like a home. It can not be charged without the express permission of its owner.
The association has refused any negotiations with banks on texts. In principle, a law is applicable to all and can not be no negotiation.
The association will act to promote the mutual movement. She asked in particular to the Chairpersons of the Boards of Directors of Credit Local Banks Mutual pass the necessary resolutions to respect the right to property.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Shark Steam Mop Parts Diagram
He just wanted to buy diesel for his tractor ...
He just wanted to buy diesel to run his tractor. The bank denied him a check for 1,500 euros. This is Clement who discovered the lifeless body of his father in the barn. A simple letter in parting: "I'm sorry for what I do but I can not stand. Take care of the land and animals. Continuing what I did. Adieu. "
authorities concerned, the committees meet, the Parisians are looking at the phenomenon are quantified, it qualifies, we reflect on appropriate measures, we created cells psychological support, we include the issue in the agenda ... and it misses the problem. At least the consciences of the leaders are quiet, they did what they could.
Yet there is no need for expert opinion to advance a hypothesis. The bank refused a check for 1,500 euros. There was more money in the account? But how much the bank has taken charges of illegally during the past 5 years? Intervention costs, transaction fees, management fees? The law requires that the amount of these costs is included in the overall effective rate. Was he? Of course not.
So it is easy to imagine that this so-called financing gap is due not to the lifestyle of the farmer, but a scam which has engaged the bank.
The Collective is ready to help families by examining bank statements and by drawing up an expert report for prosecution.
Must remember that mutual banks have been created by Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen in the nineteenth century. The stated goal was to tear the country world from the clutches of loan sharks ... The mutual banks have quickly realized that it was more lucrative to be on the side of the usurers.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

He just wanted to buy diesel to run his tractor. The bank denied him a check for 1,500 euros. This is Clement who discovered the lifeless body of his father in the barn. A simple letter in parting: "I'm sorry for what I do but I can not stand. Take care of the land and animals. Continuing what I did. Adieu. "
authorities concerned, the committees meet, the Parisians are looking at the phenomenon are quantified, it qualifies, we reflect on appropriate measures, we created cells psychological support, we include the issue in the agenda ... and it misses the problem. At least the consciences of the leaders are quiet, they did what they could.
Yet there is no need for expert opinion to advance a hypothesis. The bank refused a check for 1,500 euros. There was more money in the account? But how much the bank has taken charges of illegally during the past 5 years? Intervention costs, transaction fees, management fees? The law requires that the amount of these costs is included in the overall effective rate. Was he? Of course not.
So it is easy to imagine that this so-called financing gap is due not to the lifestyle of the farmer, but a scam which has engaged the bank.
The Collective is ready to help families by examining bank statements and by drawing up an expert report for prosecution.
Must remember that mutual banks have been created by Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen in the nineteenth century. The stated goal was to tear the country world from the clutches of loan sharks ... The mutual banks have quickly realized that it was more lucrative to be on the side of the usurers.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Monday, January 24, 2011
Pinky Fracture At The Base
Top of the opposition or the opposition of my TOP
![]() |
Lolo, ADHD, TOP, "Dys." |
B is good good ... Lolo son is in his way "opposition at will!". Swearing freely out of his pursed risers ... The fingers of honors explode behind my back (but yes I have eyes in the back of my head ... you did not know?? :-)) It is battle for medication, the dressing ... etc. ... 1 ... 2 ... 5 ... 6! Warnings! That's it! The limit of understanding is outdated ...
Action-reaction: Mom pushes the big red button: IGNORANCE! I do not talk to him, do not look, did not make him his lunch (Tom told him in secret ... It was almost beautiful, fraternal complicity!) Phew .... Valve Mom is losing its steam, and Mr. subsides. In words of less .... That said, at -30 Celsius this morning, he did not put her snow pants, obvious sign of protest and parental attention seeking ... Too bad! I tell myself. He will assume his choice! ... But no ... The lucky! The car does not accordingly, it will go directly to the school he'll be late! ayayaye!
Depart school 1/2h later Sarafaye and Thomas in the car with my boyfriend - my savior! - And me with my Lolo, who sits in the front seat of my little Focus .... Voluntarily, I do not switch on the radio. Silence is a great scholar! ;-) And has an unexpected impact ... As it turns out, Mister Lolo tries to break this silence by initiating destabilizing proper conversation. Neni! Not a chance. I still think high way, without worrying about my young sitting beside me, until the arrival at the school where he leaves the car with a "good day" a bit sad.
Upon his return tonight, he should first apologize and then say in a loud way his bad behavior and finally doing housework equivalent to the time that I have to pick up his blunders Morning (thrust pile of laundry on the floor, water damage to my flower pot, etc. ...) And then, only after! I speak to him.
child oppositional research often conflict. These battles the feed and stimulate good despite him! Confront in itself is an excellent technique, the goal being to raise awareness of its responsibility in his actions (verbal and physical violence are unacceptable in the family, school and society). And especially! he has the power to change the situation and people's reactions. In the morning situation, ignorance Lolo forced to cease its opposition (opposition involving two people: one that starts, the other responds.) Actions to ask before returning to the family emotionally compels him to do address the consequences of his behavior. As for me, the first allows me to stay Zen to resume the second time that I gave to pick up his mistakes.
Today was a contrast medium in scale. Sometimes I leave my son in the dark for almost an entire day .... I use this procedure when it goes too far and there is no way to reason, therefore, with some sparsity. Each of these times, Lolo is one step closer to its pathology and enhances its ability to manage ... :-)) And this is my greatest reward!
Thumb Bone Spur Treatment
February 15, 2011, the trial of a legal scam. The battle intensifies
February 15, 2011, to be held the first hearing of a legal practice responsible for the destruction and annihilation of thousands of families.
This practice is known as the "Portal scenario."
The principle is simple: as part of the recovery process, a creditor has the option to pay by entering all heritage, even if it is valued much higher. We
recent example of a bailiff who visited a person, by identifying more than 32,000 euros for furniture to grasp, while debt (questionable) was only 800 euros.
This possibility opens the door to many trades that are perfectly legal and lucrative. For a small debt, your home may well be seized, even if its value is irrelevant.
banks have seen a "very lucrative opportunity" and have refined the system. Principle: why do not cause debt to recover assets.
For example: First, the bank requires the closing of an account of a client, as she has the right, and gives a period of one month to take its provisions.
Second time, one month after the account is closed. The bank ordered the repayment of a loan within a week, because the account is closed, even if the loan is current.
third time two months later, the bank entered the customer file of the Bank of France, and prohibiting any refinancing. Legalizes the bank's requirement of a debt, and blocks the client to can not repay it.
Fourth time, just take legal action by taking measures on the customer's home, which will be seized to the value of a small debt.
That's it. The expected gain by the bank when it maneuver well, maybe 10, 20, 30 times or more to the original debt.
But if the bank misses its stroke, it risks being accused of fraud. 15 February 2011, a bank has missed its case and must answer before the judges.
event dates back to almost 2 years. The Director of an agency wanted practice this dangerous game. Applying Einstein's theory on spatial-temporal distortion, it was from the same day, the notice of account closure, forfeiture of the term of the loan and the filing.
What might it be? A very large fine and especially a prison sentence. As it is a shop steward, it is very unlikely that its management needs to support.
The hearing on February 15, 2011 will update and expand this method. A key, the furnishing of a bill (which was introduced in 1975 and immediately buried) that will stop this villainous practice.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

February 15, 2011, to be held the first hearing of a legal practice responsible for the destruction and annihilation of thousands of families.
This practice is known as the "Portal scenario."
The principle is simple: as part of the recovery process, a creditor has the option to pay by entering all heritage, even if it is valued much higher. We
recent example of a bailiff who visited a person, by identifying more than 32,000 euros for furniture to grasp, while debt (questionable) was only 800 euros.
This possibility opens the door to many trades that are perfectly legal and lucrative. For a small debt, your home may well be seized, even if its value is irrelevant.
banks have seen a "very lucrative opportunity" and have refined the system. Principle: why do not cause debt to recover assets.
For example: First, the bank requires the closing of an account of a client, as she has the right, and gives a period of one month to take its provisions.
Second time, one month after the account is closed. The bank ordered the repayment of a loan within a week, because the account is closed, even if the loan is current.
third time two months later, the bank entered the customer file of the Bank of France, and prohibiting any refinancing. Legalizes the bank's requirement of a debt, and blocks the client to can not repay it.
Fourth time, just take legal action by taking measures on the customer's home, which will be seized to the value of a small debt.
That's it. The expected gain by the bank when it maneuver well, maybe 10, 20, 30 times or more to the original debt.
But if the bank misses its stroke, it risks being accused of fraud. 15 February 2011, a bank has missed its case and must answer before the judges.
event dates back to almost 2 years. The Director of an agency wanted practice this dangerous game. Applying Einstein's theory on spatial-temporal distortion, it was from the same day, the notice of account closure, forfeiture of the term of the loan and the filing.
What might it be? A very large fine and especially a prison sentence. As it is a shop steward, it is very unlikely that its management needs to support.
The hearing on February 15, 2011 will update and expand this method. A key, the furnishing of a bill (which was introduced in 1975 and immediately buried) that will stop this villainous practice.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Insurance Counter Claim Letter
, banks are dragged through the courts. Armed guards
"Faced with a military offensive, he must first deal with the infantry before searching the generals. "This evidence
military strategy applies to our struggle against the banking system.
We advised the members of our associations to bring suit directly against the delivery staff, but often the decision maker.
And what charges! Common practice of usury. 313-3 is a violation of the Consumer Code punishable by a fine of 45,000 euros and 2 years imprisonment.
That is what risk agency staff. Do not imagine it being supported by its management. He remembers Kerviel.
Each day, banks charge accounts illegally. Every day, customers dig a little deeper into the downward spiral of frustration. Each day, the French bloodless end their days, sometimes leading to their families.
Our main goal is not to destroy the banking system and even less cause considerable legal trouble to its staff.
Our ultimate goal is to save lives. We will do this with the help of justice by requiring banks to respect the laws, whatever the price to pay for them and for us.
I'd Hebert tirelessly writing the truth. I would be calling for heads to Marat. I know how they finished and I accept the risk as the stake is worth it.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

"Faced with a military offensive, he must first deal with the infantry before searching the generals. "This evidence
military strategy applies to our struggle against the banking system.
We advised the members of our associations to bring suit directly against the delivery staff, but often the decision maker.
And what charges! Common practice of usury. 313-3 is a violation of the Consumer Code punishable by a fine of 45,000 euros and 2 years imprisonment.
That is what risk agency staff. Do not imagine it being supported by its management. He remembers Kerviel.
Each day, banks charge accounts illegally. Every day, customers dig a little deeper into the downward spiral of frustration. Each day, the French bloodless end their days, sometimes leading to their families.
Our main goal is not to destroy the banking system and even less cause considerable legal trouble to its staff.
Our ultimate goal is to save lives. We will do this with the help of justice by requiring banks to respect the laws, whatever the price to pay for them and for us.
I'd Hebert tirelessly writing the truth. I would be calling for heads to Marat. I know how they finished and I accept the risk as the stake is worth it.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Pandigital Frame Freezes
this financial carnage
January 11, 1975, at 1 am, the police storm the home of the Family Portal, near Montauban. They perform coolly Jean-Louis, 22.
January 11, 2011, 36 years later, a bailiff entered the home of the family Fosse, near Amiens. Dominique, 62, was executed alone, with 3 members of his family.
In both cases, the reason was the same. Creditors using the law to the letter that captures all the assets of a person, whatever their value and whatever the amount of debt.
How many deaths between these two dates, how many families devastated in 36 years, how many survivors' lives have been transformed into hell.
In 1975, a bill was quickly buried. It should be called "law Jean Louis Portal".
Yet this bill would have helped limit the amount seized in debt would leave the possibility or the debtor to sell and pay off its creditors.
This law was buried because the current system makes the fortune of a whole chain of vultures that live and grow rich on human misery. How many deaths in 36 years are on the consciences of those who buried the Act.
Since then, banks have evolved. They have learned to produce them even in these situations to make a very lucrative source of income, safe and perfectly legal.
The Collective will activate to show that law and to vote. Otherwise, as we expect since one year we will see a financial genocide. The assassins keep hands clean and clear conscience.
Gerard Faure-
Kapper Mary Agnes Portal

January 11, 1975, at 1 am, the police storm the home of the Family Portal, near Montauban. They perform coolly Jean-Louis, 22.
January 11, 2011, 36 years later, a bailiff entered the home of the family Fosse, near Amiens. Dominique, 62, was executed alone, with 3 members of his family.
In both cases, the reason was the same. Creditors using the law to the letter that captures all the assets of a person, whatever their value and whatever the amount of debt.
How many deaths between these two dates, how many families devastated in 36 years, how many survivors' lives have been transformed into hell.
In 1975, a bill was quickly buried. It should be called "law Jean Louis Portal".
Yet this bill would have helped limit the amount seized in debt would leave the possibility or the debtor to sell and pay off its creditors.
This law was buried because the current system makes the fortune of a whole chain of vultures that live and grow rich on human misery. How many deaths in 36 years are on the consciences of those who buried the Act.
Since then, banks have evolved. They have learned to produce them even in these situations to make a very lucrative source of income, safe and perfectly legal.
The Collective will activate to show that law and to vote. Otherwise, as we expect since one year we will see a financial genocide. The assassins keep hands clean and clear conscience.
Gerard Faure-
Kapper Mary Agnes Portal
Monday, January 17, 2011
1d Schrodinger Equation Mathematica
Professional Title Conductor Long Distance Road Transport of Passengers (TP CTRIV)
As I said, I have started my training in mid-November. The other 7 candidates have been selected by the urban transport company and myself are in the process to move our license and our D FIMO as a professional so the exact title is " Transport Driver interurban road . This is a training spread over 3 ½ months full time. The subjects covered are enlarged compared to the permit + FIMO "simple".
After success of this lab, we will have to work in the company under professional contract for a period of 9 months during which we will conduct our work independently on regular lines, alternating with periods of training. The purpose of this professional contract will make us spend a second professional title, the TP ACCTRUV ( Commercial Agent of Conduct Road Transport Urban Passenger ). It will seek to improve ourselves in matters specific to the conduct of city buses: urban driving, conflict management, etc.. It was only after this long period of training in alternation, and subject to passing exams this second construction, we'll offer a permanent contract. For now
external training is going although a personal perspective. From a general point of view, the whole group and I deplore, however, the poor quality of training offered by the center (which is nonetheless part of a large national network of training that shall remain nameless) and the great disruption that it demonstrated. I will not go into the details of the criticisms that we have to make. Fortunately, it seems to me that regardless of all that, we all have the ability to get by us to pass the validation testing of the professional title.
We started with four weeks of lectures: European social regulation, mechanical rules of the road, defensive driving, first aid, trip planning, etc.. alternating with sessions driving simulator ... that is to say, a cab mounted on jacks, with giant screens to 180 °.
The 5th week, we started driving on the actual vehicle at a rate of 4 hours per day, 4 hours remaining being spent in pursuit of the theory. It should be so until the end of training in early March.
We started driving with one week of driving on roads with low traffic density. I had some leads on PL (holders) several years ago, I admit I was surprised to see how driving a bus is different, and much more difficult! Due to the length of the vehicle course and the need to learn to work with door-to-front overhang. The rear tires also carry the scars of many sidewalks we have bitten early ;-) Personally, I was delighted to find myself again on a heavy vehicle, learn to use the mirrors, etc.. In short, this first week was full of lessons, but exhausting!
We then attacked the laborers on the board. These are 6 courses to be conducted in reverse: narrow corridors, slaloms, etc.. Not much to report from that side. We all expected to face difficulties ... yet it did not happen: we have almost all passed the 6 different courses at once, and have spent the following hours to perfect ourselves and type of lap times.
Meanwhile, we also spent a week training in discovery of the company for which we work. We had the leisure to visit the various positions of command bus and subway to see the various officials (all taking their work very heart, which is very motivating) to whom we have to do to understand the inner workings of the business, learn more about our future earnings and fringe benefits, etc.. This week was very interesting and us at all, given the desire to work as soon as possible!
Currently, I add up a dozen hours of driving in traffic and I'm finally starting to feel almost comfortable with the car, and really feel progress. Driving a bus is really not as simple as some may imagine ;-)
During examination of this first professional title we will, in addition to conventional tests of movement and the shelf, two additional maneuvers namely perform: a niche storage and a battle. We will also submit a case of "transport", which consists of every minute detail itineraries, chonotachygraphe positions, etc.. a fictional tour.
All this should not be a problem. I personally look forward to training and to finally end annuity business! My motivation is 100%, although for the reasons mentioned above, I'm not much happy to tell about the training itself.
As I said, I have started my training in mid-November. The other 7 candidates have been selected by the urban transport company and myself are in the process to move our license and our D FIMO as a professional so the exact title is " Transport Driver interurban road . This is a training spread over 3 ½ months full time. The subjects covered are enlarged compared to the permit + FIMO "simple".
After success of this lab, we will have to work in the company under professional contract for a period of 9 months during which we will conduct our work independently on regular lines, alternating with periods of training. The purpose of this professional contract will make us spend a second professional title, the TP ACCTRUV ( Commercial Agent of Conduct Road Transport Urban Passenger ). It will seek to improve ourselves in matters specific to the conduct of city buses: urban driving, conflict management, etc.. It was only after this long period of training in alternation, and subject to passing exams this second construction, we'll offer a permanent contract. For now
external training is going although a personal perspective. From a general point of view, the whole group and I deplore, however, the poor quality of training offered by the center (which is nonetheless part of a large national network of training that shall remain nameless) and the great disruption that it demonstrated. I will not go into the details of the criticisms that we have to make. Fortunately, it seems to me that regardless of all that, we all have the ability to get by us to pass the validation testing of the professional title.
We started with four weeks of lectures: European social regulation, mechanical rules of the road, defensive driving, first aid, trip planning, etc.. alternating with sessions driving simulator ... that is to say, a cab mounted on jacks, with giant screens to 180 °.
The 5th week, we started driving on the actual vehicle at a rate of 4 hours per day, 4 hours remaining being spent in pursuit of the theory. It should be so until the end of training in early March.
We started driving with one week of driving on roads with low traffic density. I had some leads on PL (holders) several years ago, I admit I was surprised to see how driving a bus is different, and much more difficult! Due to the length of the vehicle course and the need to learn to work with door-to-front overhang. The rear tires also carry the scars of many sidewalks we have bitten early ;-) Personally, I was delighted to find myself again on a heavy vehicle, learn to use the mirrors, etc.. In short, this first week was full of lessons, but exhausting!
We then attacked the laborers on the board. These are 6 courses to be conducted in reverse: narrow corridors, slaloms, etc.. Not much to report from that side. We all expected to face difficulties ... yet it did not happen: we have almost all passed the 6 different courses at once, and have spent the following hours to perfect ourselves and type of lap times.
Meanwhile, we also spent a week training in discovery of the company for which we work. We had the leisure to visit the various positions of command bus and subway to see the various officials (all taking their work very heart, which is very motivating) to whom we have to do to understand the inner workings of the business, learn more about our future earnings and fringe benefits, etc.. This week was very interesting and us at all, given the desire to work as soon as possible!
Currently, I add up a dozen hours of driving in traffic and I'm finally starting to feel almost comfortable with the car, and really feel progress. Driving a bus is really not as simple as some may imagine ;-)
During examination of this first professional title we will, in addition to conventional tests of movement and the shelf, two additional maneuvers namely perform: a niche storage and a battle. We will also submit a case of "transport", which consists of every minute detail itineraries, chonotachygraphe positions, etc.. a fictional tour.
All this should not be a problem. I personally look forward to training and to finally end annuity business! My motivation is 100%, although for the reasons mentioned above, I'm not much happy to tell about the training itself.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Breast Tenderness Difference Early Pregnancy Pms
4 dead which require further investigation.
Fossiez Dominique was 62 years old. Artisan roofer, he was retired for 2 years. Its flag, it was all his life. Everything was simple. He did not live beyond its means. No undue expense. His neighbors said
helpful and good living. This
January 11, 2011, he expected a visit. That of a bailiff who was taking inventory of his furniture to capture everything, take everything, his life, his memories, his work. He did not remain the shame of not being able to protect his family. This
January 11, 2011, the bailiff could not perform his work because of dead bodies found in home and outside. 4 dead in all, a family shattered, decimated, destroyed.
media have touched upon this subject. Drama of the indebtedness then move on.
We will not something else. How was he really, for what paltry sum probably a family was destroyed. This house clearly represents a value. I does not criminalize
services Banque de France responsible for this type of file. They do their best to find solutions, humanely and competently. I
not incriminate laws. In this regard, they are very well done.
The problem is that too many people ignore them and break times.
Just examine the bank statements of those in need. Illegal taking of banks incurred monstrous budgets, removing any hope of a return to normal. Let
also letters received threatening letters sent by bailiffs or collection companies. There really is something to commit suicide.
analyze in detail the record of telephone calls received. How many calls that change daily life in hell.
-indebtedness is a word tinged with shame. And yet, out of 173 cases we examined the association, almost all could find a way out.
People are certainly indebted, they knew what they were signing and they are the first to want to repay their loans. How to pay only if banks endless drain on costs of interventions, costs of movement, a charge of letters, rejection costs, costs of discharges, cost of everything and nothing.
It is even common to find in our file of 300 or 400 euros monthly. These fees are usually collected in total offense with the law, specifically Article 313-1 of the Consumer Code.
Banks know this well because that when a client is suing, they return immediately ... before turning this customer who dared to rebel.
Yet most often these are sufficient to repay the maturities of loans.
Dominique Fossiez died, and his entire family. As John Roques died with his wife and son November 25, 2010. As died another retired couple with their daughter September 15, 2010 in the Pas de Calais.
And there will be others. How long will it dead for the authorities to force banks to comply with the laws of the Republic.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

Fossiez Dominique was 62 years old. Artisan roofer, he was retired for 2 years. Its flag, it was all his life. Everything was simple. He did not live beyond its means. No undue expense. His neighbors said
helpful and good living. This
January 11, 2011, he expected a visit. That of a bailiff who was taking inventory of his furniture to capture everything, take everything, his life, his memories, his work. He did not remain the shame of not being able to protect his family. This
January 11, 2011, the bailiff could not perform his work because of dead bodies found in home and outside. 4 dead in all, a family shattered, decimated, destroyed.
media have touched upon this subject. Drama of the indebtedness then move on.
We will not something else. How was he really, for what paltry sum probably a family was destroyed. This house clearly represents a value. I does not criminalize
services Banque de France responsible for this type of file. They do their best to find solutions, humanely and competently. I
not incriminate laws. In this regard, they are very well done.
The problem is that too many people ignore them and break times.
Just examine the bank statements of those in need. Illegal taking of banks incurred monstrous budgets, removing any hope of a return to normal. Let
also letters received threatening letters sent by bailiffs or collection companies. There really is something to commit suicide.
analyze in detail the record of telephone calls received. How many calls that change daily life in hell.
-indebtedness is a word tinged with shame. And yet, out of 173 cases we examined the association, almost all could find a way out.
People are certainly indebted, they knew what they were signing and they are the first to want to repay their loans. How to pay only if banks endless drain on costs of interventions, costs of movement, a charge of letters, rejection costs, costs of discharges, cost of everything and nothing.
It is even common to find in our file of 300 or 400 euros monthly. These fees are usually collected in total offense with the law, specifically Article 313-1 of the Consumer Code.
Banks know this well because that when a client is suing, they return immediately ... before turning this customer who dared to rebel.
Yet most often these are sufficient to repay the maturities of loans.
Dominique Fossiez died, and his entire family. As John Roques died with his wife and son November 25, 2010. As died another retired couple with their daughter September 15, 2010 in the Pas de Calais.
And there will be others. How long will it dead for the authorities to force banks to comply with the laws of the Republic.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
20th Ryhming Invitations
4 more dead. Let's stop the carnage.
The Collective anti bank had set a goal to fight against suicides caused by the illegal activities of banks.
Yesterday, 4 more dead near Amiens.
I read news sorry people who do not understand how such an event can happen. I I I understand very well and adds that this drama Announces Further, many others.
It is actually simple to understand. I go into the mathematical aspect.
Statistically, the average amount of household debt is around 40,000 euros. 40,000 euros to 9% over 15 years is about 400 euros per month.
Anyone is able to repay its debts.
same time, banks charge very large sums in intervention costs, commissions movements, costs for refusal, etc..
These levies are illegal and are in breach with Articles 313-1 and 311-17 of the code consumer.
Trial judges seized records routinely confirm and the bank is obligated to reimburse his client.
If banks follow the law, not only cease these illegal collection and provides the necessary resources to households to meet their debts.
But more banks to pay back what they took illegally for years, and households might reduce their debt significantly.
How to encourage banks to enforce the law?
Whenever there is a drama, like yesterday, that bank statements are reviewed over several years.
If the bank had illegally siphoned substantial amounts, whereas it is found responsible and responsive to the courts.
Like any citizen.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

The Collective anti bank had set a goal to fight against suicides caused by the illegal activities of banks.
Yesterday, 4 more dead near Amiens.
I read news sorry people who do not understand how such an event can happen. I I I understand very well and adds that this drama Announces Further, many others.
It is actually simple to understand. I go into the mathematical aspect.
Statistically, the average amount of household debt is around 40,000 euros. 40,000 euros to 9% over 15 years is about 400 euros per month.
Anyone is able to repay its debts.
same time, banks charge very large sums in intervention costs, commissions movements, costs for refusal, etc..
These levies are illegal and are in breach with Articles 313-1 and 311-17 of the code consumer.
Trial judges seized records routinely confirm and the bank is obligated to reimburse his client.
If banks follow the law, not only cease these illegal collection and provides the necessary resources to households to meet their debts.
But more banks to pay back what they took illegally for years, and households might reduce their debt significantly.
How to encourage banks to enforce the law?
Whenever there is a drama, like yesterday, that bank statements are reviewed over several years.
If the bank had illegally siphoned substantial amounts, whereas it is found responsible and responsive to the courts.
Like any citizen.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A 100x100 Times Table
misunderstanding or limited? That is the question!
Thomas, in January 2011 |
The bla bla of women before us in the queue at the cashier of the store ... "but not, you AC s'peux!" when your son takes the excuse of "NO!" to his request to make a gum bubblegum crisis irrational ... Or the uncle who answers you so unconvincing "if thou say!" when you try to explain why you can not t'interposer while ransacking everything in your child's room cottage ... A good spanking, seems it would settle the question! ...
Ah !.... If only they knew ... If only they could understand! But, in fact, how could they?? Change places with them .... Imagine a few moments you're told that your little son has Asperger Syndrome ... ( Of what?) That is a form of autism (ben non! Autistic it drools, it does not concern you in the eye and it shakes the arm in all directions!) The nickname of this ... thing! is the invisible disability ... and that is why you do not always punish instantly, you need to make psychological intervention when her anxiety rises ... (This is not the anxiety that! It is a refusal to obey!) That you must temper more often than not! (Heu. ...) And above all he must learn to temper SE ... (And what else!) And if in addition, the child says bad words ... ayayaye! This is the straw that broke the camel's back! At any time! But let us .... Let us then or we did not have kids yet different ..... Most of us would look like this woman and this uncle ....
With the diagnosis, we have forgotten our own prejudices ... Surely we have packed as soon as we felt that our child was different ... And if that was not ours, this child? Should we believe the word of apology from our son, sister, daughter-in? Or do we not tempted to think that it is the kind of mother, he is the kind of father who wants to be "friends" before "the teacher?" We live in a society ease or children kings reign victorious in many families ... This does definitely not help us. How can we expect it to spontaneously believes that invisible difference?? Are we not fallen even nudes when the diagnosis was announced??
I realize over time that I can not impose this understanding to people who do not live inside my house ... not that we must let these people said anything, but we must learn to accept their incomprehension. Not all are excellent researchers web! :-))) Warning! I am not talking about rejection! That is worthy of another column! ;-) No. I speak that, despite all the effort we put, it is possible that we will not get the desired results: the acceptance of the pathology of our children by our family and even less! foreigners. We must learn to "do with" ...
course! bounds, there is! People who have no good will ..... which, despite the accumulated evidence supports the hiding of the eyes under thick blinders several kilometers !.... But between you and me, I do not think they are our neighbor, our cousin, the lady from the grocery store .. There not just aspis who do not destabilize! Humans love nature, stay in the familiar. These people simply prefer to cling to what they know. This is by far much more reassuring!
What Does Norton 360 Look Like
How to bend his bank. Article "Que Choisir"
Bank overdraft
How to bend his bank
Using a jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, UFC-Que Choisir Pays Basque obtained reimbursement of unjustified charges invoiced to customers in the open.
is a court order who will soon be 2 years, but consumers are still wrong. Yet it's very favorable. In February 2008 the Court of Cassation considered that "the costs of forcing" in the event of unauthorized overdraft should be included in calculating the overall effective rate.
If the vocabulary is technical, the scope of the decision is easy to understand. If discovered, your bank may charge you a premium. They can not exceed a certain rate of interest on pain of breaching the wear, which would be a misdemeanor. Reviewed each quarter, the wear rate was found for 19.67% of the 1 January 2011. The banks know their stuff and never cross the yellow line. At least in appearance. But looking closer, they also charge their customers who exceeded their overdraft limits commissions intervention. Otherwise known as "cost of forcing" these penalties supposed to correspond to an accounting and administrative work provided by the bank can easily reach 10 euros per overdraft. Because they are combined in frequent incidents, adding a few months may exceed 100, 200 or 500 euros. By integrating these sums to calculate the real interest rate charged by the bank, the wear rate explodes. And it is precisely the meaning of the decision of the Court of Cassation: the cost of forcing must be taken into account.
Account closed in the wake
With these precedents, UFC-Que Choisir Basque Country has begun to systematically go to court against banks for the repayment of the sums paid by consumers who request it. Over a dozen agencies attacked the vast majority have settled before the hearing, with customers signing memoranda of agreement confidential. Three went to the end and they have lost. This is the Societe Generale in Hendaye, the BNP and the ICC in Anglet Bayonne. They were convicted in March, June and September 2010 to reimburse their clients 539.60 Euro 980.10 Euro and Euro 3512!
"The process is easy, says John Furgerot, vice president of the UFC-Que Choisir Pays Basque. Just send a letter to his agency in requesting reimbursement of interest paid beyond the rate of wear. Banks will respond by letter type of refusal. It must then announce his intention to appeal the judge proximity. "Attached to the District Court or appellate court nearest the latter is competent when the sums involved do not exceed 4,000 euros. In general, the mere threat is enough.
careful however. As Jean Furgerot, banks are bad losers. "They usually close an account of the complainants. At a minimum, they withdrew their overdraft. "Better to be resolved before committing the standoff. But if the consumer intends to assert its rights to the specific point the costs of forcing the law is totally on his side and he has very good chance of winning the game.
Erwan Seznec

Bank overdraft
How to bend his bank
Using a jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation, UFC-Que Choisir Pays Basque obtained reimbursement of unjustified charges invoiced to customers in the open.
is a court order who will soon be 2 years, but consumers are still wrong. Yet it's very favorable. In February 2008 the Court of Cassation considered that "the costs of forcing" in the event of unauthorized overdraft should be included in calculating the overall effective rate.
If the vocabulary is technical, the scope of the decision is easy to understand. If discovered, your bank may charge you a premium. They can not exceed a certain rate of interest on pain of breaching the wear, which would be a misdemeanor. Reviewed each quarter, the wear rate was found for 19.67% of the 1 January 2011. The banks know their stuff and never cross the yellow line. At least in appearance. But looking closer, they also charge their customers who exceeded their overdraft limits commissions intervention. Otherwise known as "cost of forcing" these penalties supposed to correspond to an accounting and administrative work provided by the bank can easily reach 10 euros per overdraft. Because they are combined in frequent incidents, adding a few months may exceed 100, 200 or 500 euros. By integrating these sums to calculate the real interest rate charged by the bank, the wear rate explodes. And it is precisely the meaning of the decision of the Court of Cassation: the cost of forcing must be taken into account.
Account closed in the wake
With these precedents, UFC-Que Choisir Basque Country has begun to systematically go to court against banks for the repayment of the sums paid by consumers who request it. Over a dozen agencies attacked the vast majority have settled before the hearing, with customers signing memoranda of agreement confidential. Three went to the end and they have lost. This is the Societe Generale in Hendaye, the BNP and the ICC in Anglet Bayonne. They were convicted in March, June and September 2010 to reimburse their clients 539.60 Euro 980.10 Euro and Euro 3512!
"The process is easy, says John Furgerot, vice president of the UFC-Que Choisir Pays Basque. Just send a letter to his agency in requesting reimbursement of interest paid beyond the rate of wear. Banks will respond by letter type of refusal. It must then announce his intention to appeal the judge proximity. "Attached to the District Court or appellate court nearest the latter is competent when the sums involved do not exceed 4,000 euros. In general, the mere threat is enough.
careful however. As Jean Furgerot, banks are bad losers. "They usually close an account of the complainants. At a minimum, they withdrew their overdraft. "Better to be resolved before committing the standoff. But if the consumer intends to assert its rights to the specific point the costs of forcing the law is totally on his side and he has very good chance of winning the game.
Erwan Seznec
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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Unions are concerned about the rising complaints directly against personnel of the banking agencies.
Unions are concerned about the rising complaints directly against personnel of the banking agencies.
Like other corporations, such as police or hospitals, employees of banks find themselves more and more often face justice for their actions.
So far, customer complaints were the directions. They had the means to counter them. Iron pot clay pot cons people said. It should actually have the nerves and strong backs to attack a bank.
employees feel safe, covered a feeling of immunity. Now being directly targeted, they find not to be supported. Worse, they often Directorate turns against them.
In which case the civil or criminal liability of a bank employee may be engaged?
Generally, whenever their signature on a document is filed, such as withdrawals unfair competition, for example.
Whenever they are the direct source of a disputed transaction.
Every time the act is in violation of the law, including the 313-3 or 311-17 of the Consumer Code. (These items are being violated every day).
They can also be prosecuted for harassment in raises.
The purpose of these complaints, often requests for compensation for damage caused. In the case of companies accounted for bankruptcy or sell real estate at a loss, the adition rises very high.
In extreme cases, including suicides caused by financial situation irretrievably compromised, the employee's interest to have done nothing wrong.
Since the Kerviel affair, the guidelines have not only tend to release their staff, but worse still, to charge.
user associations of banks like ours, have no influence on the decisions of customers. They exercise their right to sue. I remember
Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948:
"Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national courts against acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. "
Gerard Faure-Kapper

Unions are concerned about the rising complaints directly against personnel of the banking agencies.
Like other corporations, such as police or hospitals, employees of banks find themselves more and more often face justice for their actions.
So far, customer complaints were the directions. They had the means to counter them. Iron pot clay pot cons people said. It should actually have the nerves and strong backs to attack a bank.
employees feel safe, covered a feeling of immunity. Now being directly targeted, they find not to be supported. Worse, they often Directorate turns against them.
In which case the civil or criminal liability of a bank employee may be engaged?
Generally, whenever their signature on a document is filed, such as withdrawals unfair competition, for example.
Whenever they are the direct source of a disputed transaction.
Every time the act is in violation of the law, including the 313-3 or 311-17 of the Consumer Code. (These items are being violated every day).
They can also be prosecuted for harassment in raises.
The purpose of these complaints, often requests for compensation for damage caused. In the case of companies accounted for bankruptcy or sell real estate at a loss, the adition rises very high.
In extreme cases, including suicides caused by financial situation irretrievably compromised, the employee's interest to have done nothing wrong.
Since the Kerviel affair, the guidelines have not only tend to release their staff, but worse still, to charge.
user associations of banks like ours, have no influence on the decisions of customers. They exercise their right to sue. I remember
Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948:
"Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national courts against acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. "
Gerard Faure-Kapper
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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2011, increasing the pressure against the banks.
Banks want to improve their image with the public to forget that levies fees are outlawed.
They were announced by the Minister of Economy a number of measures that make it even more incomprehensible their billings. This opacity is necessary to continue to drain the accounts.
Indeed, it important to know that service costs 2 € 90 in a bank and 2 € 65 in another bank when you punctured between 100 and 200 € monthly.
other hand, insofar as it becomes extremely difficult to change banks because loans and withdrawals, that interest to know these comparative.
Can we imagine that we take it enters a restaurant, in a second dish and dessert in a third.
What is missing in views of services, are references to violations of law, and article references.
The reality of these ads is the willingness of banks and the Ministry of Economy to remove the crime of usury, to eliminate laws on the protection of consumers and especially with the mediators to orders of obtain a monopoly of Justice for arbitration.
I congratulate on nicks consumer and users of the bank who approved this scheme in the media who participated in the pseudo-negotiations.
Remember though that 1 January 2011. It is the consecration of financial fascism.
Gerard Faure-Kapper

Banks want to improve their image with the public to forget that levies fees are outlawed.
They were announced by the Minister of Economy a number of measures that make it even more incomprehensible their billings. This opacity is necessary to continue to drain the accounts.
Indeed, it important to know that service costs 2 € 90 in a bank and 2 € 65 in another bank when you punctured between 100 and 200 € monthly.
other hand, insofar as it becomes extremely difficult to change banks because loans and withdrawals, that interest to know these comparative.
Can we imagine that we take it enters a restaurant, in a second dish and dessert in a third.
What is missing in views of services, are references to violations of law, and article references.
The reality of these ads is the willingness of banks and the Ministry of Economy to remove the crime of usury, to eliminate laws on the protection of consumers and especially with the mediators to orders of obtain a monopoly of Justice for arbitration.
I congratulate on nicks consumer and users of the bank who approved this scheme in the media who participated in the pseudo-negotiations.
Remember though that 1 January 2011. It is the consecration of financial fascism.
Gerard Faure-Kapper
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