Thursday, November 4, 2010

Death Anniversary Celebration Cards

Medical examination for fitness to drive

The validity of a driving license heavy vehicle (transporting goods or persons) is subject to execution by the holder of a regular medical examination from a physician approved by the State to verify his fitness to drive. This inspection must be made prior to licensure and every five years before age 60 years, annually thereafter.

As part of my recruitment to the TC in my town, so I myself spent the visit for the first time last week. I'll explain to you what the doctor it verifies. In my case, it went very well. Fortunately so, because the controls are rather basic. The visit lasted no more than 10 minutes, including writing the check of € 24.40 is not reimbursable by Social Security.

I hope that what follows will also reassure those who need to spend for the first time who does not know what to expect ...
So, the doctor measures blood pressure and listens to the heartbeat and respiration.
It then tests your balance by asking you to keep you perched on one foot, eyes closed and arms outstretched.
We test your hearing with a little noise on each side.
is tested for: first with the classic table which should read the letters to several meters away (it should have, by wearing glasses or contact lenses, 8 / 10 with the best eye and 5 / 10 with the worst ). Then it tests the width of the visual field by making you look straight ahead and making a moving object at the extreme periphery of each of your eyes. It also briefly looks
the state of the spine.

And here. You are fit. You can get dressed. Ha good again?

Here, not to worry for most interested ... I think

I'll allow myself a little aside for future drivers who have a particular problem in his eyes squinting , and who may see the medical reason for this. (The others, you can release here). Being myself suffering from a slight divergent squint of an eye, I'll tell you my story. Since this was reported strabismus in my childhood I was always told there was only one way to fix it: the surgery ... that would work half the time. Apart this defect "aesthetic" my view is correct for each of my eyes, but for several months knowing that I had to get this medical fitness, I was foolishly worried that I might fail because of this eye squinting. After some discussions about it with friends, I learned about discipline apparently fairly recently called orthoptics . It's sort of physio eye, that corrects some of strabismus and other disorders using eye movements to be performed. Strabismus is the result of underdevelopment of muscles used to move the eyes, orthoptic exercises allow them to work and so the "muscle". This in turn corrects strabismus. It is sometimes said that such exercises do not work in children. However, I have met adults for whom this method worked. So I too started a few months ago to make such exercises and ... Miraculously, it works! My eyes squint fishy indeed less frequently and less strong than before, especially if I feel that I can deliver it consciously bring it back up (actually I am "forced to squint" in the opposite direction and hop He is recovering and remains in the right position).

I specify that all strabismus are not identical: some cause particular complications: amblyopia, loss of 3D vision: you see with your eye doctor or directly from an Orthoptist if scéances of orthoptics can help.

Examples of exercises that you may be asked to perform:

To return to the Medical Fitness: if correct vision and seen what is checked during the visit, I do not think a divergent strabismus can be disadvantageous. However, the width of the field vision being checked, I wonder when people with a convergent squint (one eye squinting inward). The width of the visual field, would it not reduced in this case?


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